Glossary entry (derived from question below)
română term or phrase:
Tribunal / Judecatorie
engleză translation:
county court / district court
Added to glossary by
Ioana Bostan
Aug 17, 2006 18:42
18 yrs ago
87 viewers *
română term
Tribunal / Judecatorie
din română în engleză
Juridic (general)
sentinţă judecătorească
Am găsit acelaşi termen pentru Tribunal şi Judecătorie - Law Court, insa sunt sigura ca este o diferenta intre ele. Care dintre ele se traduce de fapt Law Court?
Cu mii de mulţumiri!
Cu mii de mulţumiri!
Proposed translations
3 +4 | county court / district court |
Lucica Abil (X)
![]() |
4 +2 | Court |
Marinela Sandoval
![]() |
3 +2 | Court of Law/ Justice /// local / municipal court |
Ovidiu Martin Jurj
![]() |
3 | hop si eu! |
iulian dobreanu
![]() |
Proposed translations
21 minute
română term (edited):
Tribunal / Judecătorie
county court / district court
Corespondenţa nu este perfectă, ca mai în toate cele juridice...
Note added at 1 hr (2006-08-17 19:55:03 GMT)
Mi-a venit o idee inspirată de acest sit:
Estonia has a three-level court system. County and city courts and administrative courts adjudicate matters in the first instance. The majority of courts of first instance are situated in county centres. Appeals against decisions of courts of first instance shall be heard by courts of second instance. Courts of appeal are courts of second instance (sometimes also called circuit courts). The courts of appeal are situated in Jõhvi, Tartu and Tallinn. The Supreme Court, situated in Tartu, is the court of the highest instance.
Ar fi:
judecătorie - city court
tribunal - county court
Cum vi se pare?
Note added at 1 hr (2006-08-17 20:30:36 GMT)
În mod normal nu ar fi nevoie să se facă această distincţie dar, bănuiesc, Ioana are ambii termeni în aceeaşi sentinţă şi trebuie să deosebească cele două tipuri de instanţă.
Note added at 1 hr (2006-08-17 19:55:03 GMT)
Mi-a venit o idee inspirată de acest sit:
Estonia has a three-level court system. County and city courts and administrative courts adjudicate matters in the first instance. The majority of courts of first instance are situated in county centres. Appeals against decisions of courts of first instance shall be heard by courts of second instance. Courts of appeal are courts of second instance (sometimes also called circuit courts). The courts of appeal are situated in Jõhvi, Tartu and Tallinn. The Supreme Court, situated in Tartu, is the court of the highest instance.
Ar fi:
judecătorie - city court
tribunal - county court
Cum vi se pare?
Note added at 1 hr (2006-08-17 20:30:36 GMT)
În mod normal nu ar fi nevoie să se facă această distincţie dar, bănuiesc, Ioana are ambii termeni în aceeaşi sentinţă şi trebuie să deosebească cele două tipuri de instanţă.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Ovidiu Martin Jurj
: da, aşa e, judecătorie e în orice oraş mai mare, nu numai în reşedinţe de judeţ; tribunal, din câte ştiu eu, nu.
1 oră
Mulţumesc, Ovidiu! Aşa este, fiecare judeţ are doar un tribunal şi mai multe judecătorii.
agree |
Marcella Magda
1 oră
Mulţumesc, Marcella
agree |
Oana Apetrei
9 ore
Mulţumesc, Oana!
agree |
Bogdan Burghelea
10 ore
Mulţumesc, Bogdan!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Multumesc Lucia! "
13 minute
traducere court: tribunal. Poate fi si Court House ( United States)
to take a case to court: a aduce in fata judecatii
In engleza court este fie tribunal fie judecatorie.
In italiana judecatorie este tribunale.
In loc de law court as pune Court House, sau doar Court.
to take a case to court: a aduce in fata judecatii
In engleza court este fie tribunal fie judecatorie.
In italiana judecatorie este tribunale.
In loc de law court as pune Court House, sau doar Court.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Julia Bogdan Rollo (X)
: Court of Law
20 minute
agree |
1 oră
20 minute
Court of Law/ Justice /// local / municipal court
Da, aşa e, Law Court e ambiguu; eu de obicei folosesc Court of Law pentru tribunal şi local court pentru judecătorie. Aşa am găsit traducerile corespunzătoare ale echivalentelor germane Gerichtshof, adică tribunal, e tradus peste tot Court of Law, sau Court of Justice, sau Law Court, sau Tribunal, iar Amtsgericht, adică judecătorie, e tradus peste tot cu local court, sau municipal court, sau county court etc. Linkurile sunt din LEO. Dar sigur-sigur nu ştiu nici eu.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Lucica Abil (X)
: Da, cred că ar merge Court of Justice / municipal court.
31 minute
agree |
Oana Apetrei
9 ore
2 ore
hop si eu!
6. Courts are of various kinds. When considered as to their powers, they are of record and not of record; Bac. Ab.
Courts, D; when compared. to each other, they are supreme, superior, and inferior, Id.; when examined as to their
original jurisdiction, they are civil or criminal; when viewed as to their territorial jurisdiction, they are central or
local; when divided as to their object, they are courts of law, courts of equity, courts martial, admiralty courts, and
ecclesiastical courts. They are also courts of original jurisdiction, courts of error, and courts of appeal. Vide Open
COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES. The judiciary of the United States is established by virtue of the
following provisions, contained in the third article of the constitution, namely:
2. - "1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall
hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which
shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Note added at 2 hrs (2006-08-17 21:06:03 GMT)
ce stiau ei despre http?
Courts, D; when compared. to each other, they are supreme, superior, and inferior, Id.; when examined as to their
original jurisdiction, they are civil or criminal; when viewed as to their territorial jurisdiction, they are central or
local; when divided as to their object, they are courts of law, courts of equity, courts martial, admiralty courts, and
ecclesiastical courts. They are also courts of original jurisdiction, courts of error, and courts of appeal. Vide Open
COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES. The judiciary of the United States is established by virtue of the
following provisions, contained in the third article of the constitution, namely:
2. - "1. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall
hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which
shall not be diminished during their continuance in office.
Note added at 2 hrs (2006-08-17 21:06:03 GMT)
ce stiau ei despre http?
Example sentence:
superior/inferior court