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Puncte PRO: 83, Răspunsuri la întrebări: 63, Întrebări formulate: 100
Mostre de traducere prezentate: 2
din engleză în română: Product development
Text sursă - engleză Kingston Technology’s complete line of memory products begins in research and development.Kingston’s engineers work closely with system OEMs, Motherboard, semiconductor, and CPU manufacturers to design next generation memory technology specifications.
Once these specifications are adopted, the Kingston R & D teams design an engineering prototype, which is then sent to the advanced testing labs for design and performance verification. Prior to performing these advanced tests, new software is designed that simulates the characteristics of the systems that will ultimately use these new memory technologies. These advanced functionality tests include signal integrity, high and low voltage, as well as hot and cold temperatures.
In support of these new technologies, Kingston releases modules that meet the varying needs of systems and motherboard manufacturers as their products are released to the market.
Modules destined for use in name brand systems such as Dell, HP, and Toshiba are engineered for and compatibility tested in the systems they are designed to support…..while those destined for use in the whitebox market are designed to meet industry specifications, and tested in a series of motherboards.
These layers of testing ensure that the final memory products reach the high expectations and quality standards of the high tech industry.
Traducere - română Linia completă de produse de memorie a Kingston Technology începe cu cercetarea şi dezvoltarea.Inginerii de la Kingston lucrează îndeaproape cu producătorii de sisteme OEM, plăci de bază, semiconductoare, şi procesoare pentru a proiecta generaţia următoare de specificaţii în tehnologia memoriilor.
Odată aceste specificaţii adoptate, echipele Kingston de cercetare si dezvoltare proiectează un prototip care este apoi trimis laboratoarelor avansate de testări pentru verificarea design-ului şi a funcţionării. Anterior efectuării acestor teste avansate, se proiectează un nou soft care simulează caracteristicile sistemului care va utiliza în cele din urmă aceste noi tehnologii de memorie. Aceste teste avansate de funcţionalitate includ integritatea semnalului, tensiunea înaltă si joasă, cât şi temperaturile minime şi maxime.
În sprijinul acestor noi tehnologii, Kingston lansează module care satisfac diversele nevoi ale producătorilor de sisteme şi plăci de bază pe măsură ce sunt lansate pe piaţă.
Modulele destinate folosirii în cadrul unor sisteme cu nume de marca cum ar fi Dell, HP, şi Toshiba sunt proiectate şi testate din punctul de vedere al compatibilităţii în sistemele pe care trebuie să le deservească….. în timp ce cele destinate utilizării pe piaţa calculatoarelor asamblate sunt proiectate să satisfacă specificaţiile industriei, şi sunt testate pe o serie de plăci de bază. Aceste nivele de testare asigură ca produsele de memorie finale să satisfacă aşteptările înalte şi standardele de calitate ale industriei de tehnologie înaltă.
din română în engleză: Storage and manipulation of organic substances
Text sursă - română In cadrul atelierului de cuprare se folosesc o serie de substanţe organice, ca aditivi in baile de cuprare (agenţi de luciu, agenţi de umectare) si de decuprare.
Aceste substanţe se depozitează in încăperi închise, uscate si bine ventilate la temperaturi de 5-30 0C. Se vor tine departe de alimente sau băuturi. Recipientele se ţin închise etanş. Se folosesc de preferinţa doar recipientele originale. Nu se pune apa peste aceste substanţe.
Echipamentul de protecţie trebuie sa contina costum de protecţie, manusi, ochelari si masca de praf. Se vor spăla bine mâinile după utilizare. Este interzisa atingerea cu mana neprotejata a acestor substanţe.
Se evita căldura si sursele de foc (scântei sau flacăra). In caz de incendiu se folosesc ca materiale de stingere pudre chimice uscate de stingere in cazul incendiilor mici si jet dispers de apa, ceata sau spuma in cazul incendiilor mai mari. Nu se foloseşte jetul compact de apa.
Ca urmare a descompunerii termice se pot pune in libertate oxizi periculoşi de sulf, de carbon, de azot si oxizi metalici. Pompierii trebuie sa poarte echipament autonom de respiraţie si combinezoane închise.
Traducere - engleză In the copper plating workshop, there are used some organic substances, as additives for copper plating (shining agents, wetting agents) and copper stripping tanks.
These substances must be stored in closed, dry, well-ventilated rooms, at temperatures of 5-30°C. These substances must be kept far from food or drinks. The containers must be hermetically closed. Original containers are preferably used. Do not put water over these substances.
The protection equipment must contain protection suit, gloves, glasses and dust mask. Hands must be well washed after use. It is forbidden to touch these substances with bare hands.
Heat and fire sources must be avoided (sparks or flame). In the case of fire, it will be used chemical, dry powders for small fires and water dispersed jet, fog or foam for bigger fires. Water compact jet should not be used.
Because of thermical decomposition, dangerous carbon, sulphur, azote or metallic oxides could evolve. The firemen should wear autonomous equipment and closed suits.
din engleză în română (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) engleză (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, verified) din română în franceză (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, verified) din română în engleză (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, verified) din franceză în română (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, verified)
din engleză în română (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, verified) din română în franceză (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) din franceză în română (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) din română în engleză (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) franceză (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, verified)
May 2014: - “Internal IRIS auditor Rev.02", certified by International Competence Center Rail GmbH (Berlin)
June 2013: - “Informative seminar to explain the rules of IRIS Rev.02 and their background application", course organized by DNV Belgium
May 2013: - Certificate of “Internal auditor for Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, acc. to SR OHSAS 18001:2008", course organized by TUV AUSTRIA Romania & Euroconsult Plus Iasi
February 2013: - Certificate of “Trainer", course organized by ASCENDIS CONSULTING Romania
April 2012: - “The modifications brought by the new edition of the standard ISO 19011:2011", seminar organized by TUV AUSTRIA Romania & Euroconsult Plus Iasi
June 2009: - Certificate of “Internal Auditor for Quality Management Systems in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 19011:2002”, course organized by TUV AUSTRIA Romania & Euroconsult Plus Iasi
September 2007: - Certificate on "Statistical process control including Measurement system analysis", course held by Quasaro SRL Bucharest
November 2006: - Certificate of "ISO 9000:2000 Series Lead Auditor", Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance course held by Quasaro SRL Bucharest
December 2005: - Certificate of "Specialist for Quality Management Systems according to ISO 9001:2000", issued by TUV Rheinland Romania
May 2004: - Certificate on "Management and marketing techniques", course organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Iasi
April 2002: - Certificate of “Internal Quality Auditor in accordance with ISO 9001:2000”, course organized by Quasaro SRL Bucharest
December 2001: - Certificate of sworn translator and interpreter for French and English, issued by the Ministry of Justice of Romania.
1995 - 1999: - BA degree: "Al.I.Cuza" University of Iasi (UAIC), Faculty of Letters, French and English Section - language and literature - graduation paper on French slang studied in Raymond Queneau's "Zazie dans le metro"
Work experience :
- Jan. 2000 – present: Freelance translator for English and French, Romanian language consultant, proofreader and editor on various fields.
- August 2007 - present: Specialist for quality management systems at IGW Romania & IGW International Belgium.
- Jan. 2004 - August 2007: Quality Management responsible for the Metal Constructions Division, BMT Romania SRL Iasi and Quality management system administrator for Gears Division, BMT Romania SRL Iasi, Belgian company in the welded constructions and gears manufacturing industry.
- Jan. 2002 – Jan. 2004: Quality Management Assistant and in-house translator of English in the field of quality assurance at BMT Romania SRL Iasi
- Sept. 2000- June 2003: English teacher training the employees of BMT Romania SRL Iasi
- May 2000- Jan. 2002: Secretary and In-house translator of English for BMT Romania Iasi
- Technical documentation: machine operating instructions, manufacturer's declaration of conformity, technical sheets, inspection certificates, other documents in the field of welded constructions and manufacturing of gears
- Personal documents: labor cards, teaching syllabus, graduation diplomas, certificates, transcripts of grades
- Quality assurance papers: procedures, work instructions, internal standards, quality manuals, quality plans, nonconformance reports
- Scientific translations: physics and mathematics discourse
- Legal translations: contracts, customs documents
- Business and financial translations: invoices, purchase orders
- General translations: literature, linguistics, and correspondence.
Published translations:
(FR > RO) Michael Baudier, "Je coache mes vendeurs avec succes" - "Coaching-ul agentilor de vanzari", C.H.Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009
(FR > RO) Michael Aguilar, "Vaincre les objections des clients" - "Cum sa invingi obiectiile clientilor", C.H.Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010