The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

din română în engleză Poezie şi literatură Translation Glossary

română term engleză translation
"Fecioarele despletite" dishevelled maidens
(a) mânca cu tot cu pene eat smb alive
Entered by: Magdalena Iacob
(În ultimul timp), pe fața ei putea citi împăcarea. (Lately) he could read serenity in/on/written all over her face.
(corpul lui) striga de dorință (his body) cried of desire
(Doar atat) cat sa nu va fie de foame. Just so you won't get hungry
Entered by: Claudia Coja
(parul), tinut de agrafe cu perle, (ii cadea in valuri pe umeri). held by pearl clips
Entered by: Claudia Coja
(se putea casatori) doar cu cei cu sange albastru. she/he could only marry someone of blue blood
Entered by: Claudia Coja
(spuse) printre respiratiile sacadate between gaspy breaths
(un fluid) slab de perfecţiune a thin fluid of perfection
,,pontoșii” epocii jokester/quipster/funny man/wisecracker etc.
Entered by: Simona Pop
...din cale afară de greu... exceedingly difficult
a bălăcări bad-mouth
a cânta în strună to dance to somebody's tune
a da din mânuțe și din picioare to wiggle his/her arms and legs
Entered by: Claudia Coja
a da la o parte șuvița veșnic rebelă Tucked/brushed away her unruly/errant strand of hair
a face semn to motion (to someone)
Entered by: Ioana Costache
a giorno as by daylight
a identifica cu to identify with
a inveli bine to tuck smb in
a lua foc blows up
a mangaia cu privirea (buzele, fruntea) let his caressing glance rest on (her lips, her forehead)
Entered by: Virág-Lilla Rácz
a plange mocnit weep softly/quietly
a saruta apăsat His kiss was pressing
Entered by: Lara Barnett
a scrie cu constiinta apartenentei de neam to write with a sense of national identity
a se gasi la o jumatate de zi distanta to be half a day away
a se lipi de (cineva) Lean on /against
a se opune slăbiciunii to fight the weakness
a se simti cu musca pe caciula to have a sense of guilt
a se uni cu tot ceea ce ei sunt (intr-un extaz absolut) to merge with all they (really) are ( in an ultimate ecstasy)
a sorbi cate o inghititura mica to take a sip - He took little sips [of bitter tea]
a tresări din toate încheieturile I shudder all over
Abia te mai ții de oboseală... you can barely keep your eyes open
acestia fusesera cumpatati, they spent money wisely
Entered by: Lara Barnett
adresa skill/dexterity/sleight of hand
adusi din spete stooped
alunecand usor pe firele de păr, până în vârful lor Gently gliding down her hair, reaching the tip
alungindu-se looming higher and higher
Am ieșit pe uscat, ne-am extins We made our way onto land, we spread
Entered by: Virág-Lilla Rácz
an XV year XV
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