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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题
Inițiatorul discuției: chance (X)
QUOI  Identity Verified

din chineză în engleză
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In fact... Jul 2, 2008

saw a few in a mall the other day. Some kind of credit card promotion and it was quite eye catching when they were moving in a group. Can't be registered for road use though.

Some after dinner reading:

wherestip wrote:

The Segway invention was supposed to be revolutionary, and change the way whole cities and communities were planned and laid out. But so far that hasn't happened.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din chineză în engleză
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Good article, but poor editing job Jul 4, 2008

Almost right at the beginning ...

There are five countries in the world - the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia with more than 70 billion barrels of oil in proven reserves that are commercially exploitable with existing technology.

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:25
din engleză în chineză
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Good eye Jul 4, 2008

wherestip wrote:

Almost right at the beginning ...

There are five countries in the world - the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia with more than 70 billion barrels of oil in proven reserves that are commercially exploitable with existing technology.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
Happy Fourth Jul 4, 2008


我是没事 鸡蛋里挑挑骨头 - 其实只是个 typo.

最近没有老将们斗嘴, 论坛也显得萧条得很

[Edited at 2008-07-04 13:48]

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
还是清静些好 Jul 4, 2008

wherestip wrote:

最近没有老将们斗嘴, 论坛也显得萧条得很


恐怕是欲罢不忍、欲斗不能吧!:D 我倒是觉得还是清静些好。不过树欲静而风不止,这种“萧条”或“清静”恐怕是暂时的。

Happy Fourth of July!

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
Forum fireworks :D Jul 4, 2008

Yueyin Sun wrote:



恐怕是欲罢不忍、欲斗不能吧! 我倒是觉得还是清静些好。不过树欲静而风不止,这种“萧条”或“清静”恐怕是暂时的。

Happy Fourth of July!


Happy 4th of July to you too. How's the yardwork to your new abode coming along? Lucky you ... Austin had the hottest June on record this year.

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
Enjoy the summer Jul 4, 2008


The yardwork has not been done yet. I've been very busy with some projects. Meanwhile, I’ll wait until the weather cools off a little bit.

The following report is quite interesting:

PETA offers to sca
... See more

The yardwork has not been done yet. I've been very busy with some projects. Meanwhile, I’ll wait until the weather cools off a little bit.

The following report is quite interesting:

PETA offers to scan Sharon Stone's brain to find her heart!

PETA president Ingrid E. Newkirk wrote in the letter:

"Dear Ms. Stone,

I am writing with an offer that could provide an opportunity for you to escape all future public condemnation when you show insensitivity to the suffering of others.

Given that millions of people - including children - were killed, injured, and left homeless by the recent earthquake in China, everyone was shocked to hear you dismiss the devastating effects of this disaster. However, your cavalier attitude did not come as a surprise to us. We are used to the indifference that you flaunt and the callous remarks that you make about the suffering and death of the animals whose fur you wear so often.

Scientific studies suggest that the prefrontal regions of the brains of people who lack empathy might be underdeveloped. Here’s our offer: Would you allow PETA to pay for a scan of the prefrontal region of your brain to determine if comments and actions that seem to demonstrate a lack of empathy are the result of a physical defect?”

Check out the full letter here:

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:25
din engleză în chineză
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这里再斗嘴我就不来了:-D Jul 5, 2008



wherestip wrote:


我是没事 鸡蛋里挑挑骨头 - 其实只是个 typo.

最近没有老将们斗嘴, 论坛也显得萧条得很

[Edited at 2008-07-04 13:48]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
论坛 Jul 5, 2008

Yueyin, Zhoudan,

你们二位说得是. 还是清静一点好

比赛我这次没关心留意. 但每次赛后我都看了一下. 总的感觉是各次选择的文章段落原文难度不很均匀.

[Edited at 2008-07-05 12:39]

Yi-Hua Shih
Yi-Hua Shih  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:25
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
清靜當然好。 ^_^ Jul 5, 2008


這裡當然是清靜才好。之前你們老愛在難得清靜時又說什麼「欸,老人不在了挺無聊」、或像婷婷又愛戲謔「某些人的帖子沒了也挺沒趣的」(把人家當成打諢的女戲子看的樣子,她意思好像是 ),害得好不容易的難得清靜馬上因為你們言語<勾引>而遭破壞,害我真是一大陣子連來都不想來這裡。


wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din chineză în engleză
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人文 Jul 6, 2008

Interesting trivia ...,8599,1820358,00.html?cnn=yes

Personally, I have nothing against the French. It's just interesting to me how people perceive other people

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
清静一天是一天 Jul 7, 2008


stone118 wrote:

清靜當然好。 ^_^


Yi-Hua Shih
Yi-Hua Shih  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:25
din engleză în chineză
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這一題還是不能引帖回覆,怪了 Jul 7, 2008



我也很樂意上這兒聊天的,只是有陣子光是看新發言的 email 通知都覺得擾人,哪裡還有膽子來鬧麻煩?

... See more


我也很樂意上這兒聊天的,只是有陣子光是看新發言的 email 通知都覺得擾人,哪裡還有膽子來鬧麻煩?



祝你 家中花園早日錦蔟

08/7/8 Tue 7am Taipei

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:25
din engleză în chineză
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和谐 Jul 8, 2008





Local time: 20:25
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加入聊天室 Jul 8, 2008


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茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题

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