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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题
Inițiatorul discuției: chance (X)
ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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在中国用钱就能摆平一切 Mar 11, 2013


Chinese student posts $2M bail in fatal Des Moines crash

pkchan  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 07:09
Membru (2006)
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"Real" vs "Valid" Mar 15, 2013


曾在港華當英文教師的原訴人蕭漢寶昨續到庭應訊。根據2004年9月一個校董會閉門會議的錄音謄本指出,與會成員談論有關原告被家長投訴的事件時,問及「Is the complaint valid(投訴是否成立)?」,被告譚兆炳當時回應「valid(成立)」,蕭因此感到遭誣衊。


[Edited at 2013-03-15 18:09 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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Dancing (with abandon) into old age -- Daniel Klein Mar 16, 2013

Above all, such an old age would fully embrace friendship and playfulness. Epicurus wrote, "Of all the things that wisdom provides to help one live one's entire life in happiness, the greatest by far is the possession of friendship." But even more significantly for me at this time, he was convinced that we old folk have a unique opportunity to elevate companionship to its highest level. Epicurus believed that we oldsters no longer ever need to treat our fellows as means to an end and therefore we always can enjoy them as ends in themselves.
Defy your age: what truly helps you stay younger inside and out.

In old age, we can be free from what the philosopher called, "the prison of everyday affairs and politics." Retired from business and striving, we no longer need to see other people as a way to close a deal or get a raise or obtain a contract. Having said goodbye to all that, we are left with pure camaraderie, the kind that Tasso and his fellows were contentedly enjoying.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
din chineză în engleză
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Happy St. Patrick's Day Mar 17, 2013

... phrase spouted by John McLaughlin at the end of today's program.

pkchan  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 07:09
Membru (2006)
din engleză în chineză
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喊破嗓子不如甩開膀子 Mar 19, 2013


2013-03-19 02:43:00 来源: 香港成报 

... See more

2013-03-19 02:43:00 来源: 香港成报 



  32歲的孫寧,前日坐在英語了得的李克強總理身旁任翻譯,結果備受好評,如李克強談及改革貴在行動時表示「喊破嗓子不如甩開膀子」,他便借用英語的諺言「Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk」。內地媒體指出,在南京出生的孫寧,1993年考進南京外國語學校,並曾獲全國英語能力大賽全國一等獎。



[Edited at 2013-03-19 01:47 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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United States Military Academy? Apr 3, 2013

在铁道大厦的一层餐厅角落中,摆放着一个旋转式冰柜,其中陈列着少量各式各样的点心。在一个标着“西点”(西式风格的点心)的标签下,其英语标注竟然是“West Point”(位于西边的点),令人忍俊不禁。


wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
din chineză în engleză
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Two Universities and the Future of China - a short documentary by Drexel Univ May 17, 2013

Saw this half-hour program on PBS today. The footages shouldn't be too outdated since the film was only produced sometime in 2012.

Event Description

We cordially invite you to a celebration of Drexel's commitment to research and cultural engagement with China, featuring the premiere of the documentary film, Two Universities and the Future of China-China's Next Generation of Leaders Discuss Their Goals. The film, written and directed by Drexel Distinguished Professor Paula Marantz Cohen, was produced by Drexel's Pennoni Honors College with the cooperation of China Education Television. It provides insight on how students at two of China's most elite universities see their future and the future of their country. The film runs 26 minutes and will be followed by a Q&A and a reception. Come join us on Tuesday, October 9th, 5:00PM, Mitchell Auditorium, Bossone Research Center, 3140 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA.

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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清华才女最后的演奏:广陵散 May 17, 2013

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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Cockamamie scheme May 18, 2013

This company was featured on last night's episode of Shark Tank:

I don't think it would work. They said they charge about $1/minute for their service, yet the translator is paid $7 to $15 an hour.

What a deal for them!

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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Harvard University and the Future of China May 18, 2013


wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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步美国的后尘 May 18, 2013

ysun wrote:


我间断地看了那个短片后,感觉也是不太以为然的。 怎么搞得校内学术讨论都要用英文?


wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
din chineză în engleză
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A race to the bottom May 18, 2013

Crowd-sourced platform of human translators ...

The Shark Tank episode is not available on youTube yet. But from this video clip you kinda get an idea what their business model is.

[Edited at 2013-05-18 16:08 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
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痛定思痛 May 18, 2013



wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
din chineză în engleză
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Austin proper 11th largest city in the U.S. May 24, 2013

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this news item in passing while I was deleting some commercials and some station break news previews for a show I recorded. But here it is ...

Austin Now the 11th Largest City in the U.S., Up from 13th Largest
By Marissa Barnett

Austin is now the 11th largest city in the U.S.

Original post (8:13 a.m.): Austin is moving on up, population-wise.

The latest U.S. Census Bureau reports say Austin proper is now the 11th largest city in the country, up from 13th biggest in the last ranking.

In the year between July 2011 and July 2012, over 25,000 people moved to Austin, a rate of almost 70 people each day. The newcomers upped the population to 842,592 from 820,611 in 2011. Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell says he isn't surprised by the new numbers and calls the growth in the area steady.

“Austin's growth pattern has been steady over the past 150 years, so this news is not unexpected,” Mayor Leffingwell says. “Our city is strong and getting stronger every day.”

The city has climbed up city population lists since 2000, when Austin ranked 17th.

Austin isn't the only Texas city attracting people. Eight of 15 fastest-growing U.S. cities are in Texas. Major cities to make the list: Houston at fourth, San Antonio at seventh, and Dallas at ninth.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 06:09
din chineză în engleză
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oops, forgot the link ... May 24, 2013

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茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题

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