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din franceză în engleză: Back translation of a medical questionnaire General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Farmaceutice
Text sursă - franceză Évaluations hebdomadaires
Au cours de la dernière semaine, combien d'appels téléphoniques avez-vous effectués auprès d'un fournisseur de soins de santé en raison de votre asthme?
Veuillez ne pas inclure les appels téléphoniques effectués auprès du centre d'étude.
Au cours de la dernière semaine, combien de visites à un cabinet de médecin avez-vous effectuées en raison de votre asthme?
Veuillez ne pas inclure les visites au centre d'étude.
Au cours de la dernière semaine, combien de visites à l'urgence ou à un endroit prodiguant des soins d'urgence avez-vous effectuées en raison de votre asthme?
Au cours de la dernière semaine, avez-vous été hospitalisé(e) en raison de votre asthme?
Traducere - engleză Weekly evaluations
How many phone calls you made to a health care provider for your asthma over the last week?
Please do not include the phone calls to the study centre.
How many times did you see your physician for your asthma over the last week?
Please do not include your visits to the study centre.
How many times did you go to the emergency room or a clinic providing emergency care for your asthma over the last week?
Were you hospitalized for your asthma over the last week?
din maghiară în engleză: Patient record General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiologie
Text sursă - maghiară Státusz
Éber, időben és térben orientált beteg. Icterus, cyanosis, ödéma nincs. Mellkasán, nyakán és tarkóján valószinűleg a beadott kontrasztanyagtól urtikaria jelentkezett. Ritmusos szivhangok, zörej nem hallható. Érdes alaplégzés, pangás, crepitatio nines. Has puha, betapintható, nyomásérzékenység nincs. Perifériás pulzusok jól tapinthatóak.
Traducere - engleză Physical examination
Alert patient, oriented in time and space. There is no jaundice, cyanosis or edema. Appearance of urticaria on the chest, neck and nape probably from the administered contrast agent. Rhythmical heart sounds, no audible murmur. Harsh basic respiration, no congestion or crepitants. Abdomen is soft, palpable, without guarding. Peripheral vessels are well palpable.
din maghiară în engleză: Clinical trial regulatory correspondence General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Asistenţă medicală
Text sursă - maghiară Jelen határozat ellen a Gytv. 26. § (6) bekezdése szerint közigazgatási eljárás keretében fellebbezésnek helye nincs, azonban a vitatott közigazgatási cselekmény közlésétől számitott 30 napon belül, jogsérelemre hivatkozással, az általános közigazgatási rendtartásrol szóló 2016. évi CL. törvény (a továbbiakban: Ákr.) 114. § (1) bekezdése alapján a véglegessé vált dőntés ellen közigazgatási per inditható a Fővárosi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Biróság előtt. A keresetlevelet a Fővárosi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Biróságnak cimezve, az OGYÉI-hez kell benyújtani.
Traducere - engleză Pursuant to Article 26 (6) of the Med. Act, this resolution may not be appealed under the terms of public administration laws, however, according to Article 114 (1) of Act CL of 2016 on the General Public Administration Procedures (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Procedures Act), a judicial review of the resolution may be requested with reference to infringement of the law at the Metropolitan Administration and the Labour Court of Budapest within 30 days of receipt of the resolution. The application for judicial review should be addressed to the Metropolitan Administration and the Labour Court of Budapest and should be submitted to NIPN.
din franceză în engleză: Fisheries General field: Ştiinţă Detailed field: Zootehnie/Creşterea animalelor
Text sursă - franceză Le début des années 80 marqua le début de la pêche du crabe des neiges dans la région de la Basse-Côte-Nord du Québec. Une zone réglementaire de pêche fut crée qui s'étendait de Kégaska à Blanc-Sablon et ses limites hauturières furent définies à mi-distance des côtes du Québec et de la côte ouest de Terre-Neuve.
Traducere - engleză The beginning of the eighties marks the start of the snow crab fishing in the Lower North Shore area of Quebec. A controlled fishing area was created that extended from Kegaska to Blanc Sablon and its seafaring borders were defined at mid distance between the shores of Quebec and the western shores of Newfoundland.
din română în engleză: Clinical trial regulatory correspondence General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Asistenţă medicală
Text sursă - română În planul anual de inspecții BPSC al Agenției Naționale a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale (ANMDM) este programată o inspecție a studiului clinic menționat.
În vederea pregătirii inspecției studiului clinic vă rugăm să transmiteți la ANMDM - Departamentul inspecție farmaceutică documentele în format electronic pe CD, conform listei anexate, în termen de 15 zile lucrătoare de la primirea prezentei notificări.
Dacă documentele transmise ne vor furniza suficiente informații cu privire la inspecția programată, vă vom comunica tariful de inspecție care trebuie plătit în contul Agenției Naționale a Medicamentului și a Dispozitivelor Medicale, conform Ordinului ministrului sănătății nr.888
Traducere - engleză An inspection of the abovementioned clinical trial is scheduled in the BPSC annual inspection schedule of the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (NAMMD).
To prepare for the clinical trial inspection, please send to NAMMD – Pharmaceutical Inspection Department, in electronic format on a CD, the following documents according to the appended list, within 15 business days from receiving the current notification.
If the sent documents will provide sufficient information regarding the scheduled inspection, we will inform you of the inspection fee, which according to the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 888/2014, should be remitted in the account of the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices.
Educaţie în domeniul traducerilor
Graduate diploma - McGill University
Ani de experienţă în traduceri: 17. Înregistrat în Jul 2007. Membru din: Dec 2010.