Membru din Nov '09

Limbile de lucru:
din engleză în română
din spaniolă în română
din română în engleză
din română în spaniolă

Isabela Andrian
From terminology to localization

Bucharest, România
Ora locală: 01:58 EET (GMT+2)

Limba maternă: română (Variants: Romania, Transylvanian) Native in română
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I graduated in 2006 from the Faculty of Letters, the University of Iasi, being specialized in English and Spanish Philology, and in 2008 from the Faculty of Law of the same university.

Driven by the passion for legal translations I began translating part of the community petitions and acquis for Romanian translation agencies which had won the auction for European translation projects, but also other type of translations in the field, such as agreements, companies regulations, patents, legal offers, award documentation, law projects, etc.

Other courses and certificates
Sworn translator and interpreter, certificate awarded by the Ministry of Justice, Romania (Romanian, English and Spanish)
Diploma in English Linguistic Competences in Tourism

Areas of expertise
Legal - Patents - European Union - Community acquis
Business - Financial - Marketing - Commerce
Website - Software - Hardware - Localization
Technical - Equipment - User manuals
Localization - Websites, apps
Retail and product description content (everything you need for your home, from pillows to your outside garden)

Foreign languages
English – advanced
Spanish – advanced
French – intermediate
German –beginner 

Activity as translator
I have been translating since 2004 and I am currently collaborating with various translation agencies from Romania, translating mainly legal texts (but I have also worked in fields like economy, financial, accountancy, marketing, management, tourism, IT, textiles, education, advertisement, cosmetics, civil engineering, medical, biology, pharmacy, etc.). 

Between February-May of 2007, I worked as office law assistant for a small software development company with Austrian financial capital, my main tasks there was the translation of documents from/ into Romanian and English, but most important for me was the experience of drawing up the agreements which were necessary for the external relations and collaborations of the company.
Nowadays, besides my work as a translator, I continue collaborating on legal aspects of another software and IT Romanian company.

In a nutshell what I can say about me is that I am a very determined person, hardworking, perfectionist, eager to expand my area of expertise and to become one of the best professionals in this field.

For more details regarding my activity, experience and certificates or with respect to my rates and availability, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Acest utilizator a câştigat puncte KudoZ ajutând alţi traducători cu termeni nivel PRO. Faceţi clic pe punctajul total pentru a vizualiza traducerile de termeni propuse.

Total puncte câştigate: 266
Puncte nivel PRO: 248

Clasament limbi (PRO)
din engleză în română146
din spaniolă în română62
din română în engleză28
din română în spaniolă12
Domeniu General (PRO)
Puncte în alte 2 domenii >
Domeniu Restrâns (PRO)
Juridic (general)73
Juridic: Contract(e)28
Finanţe (general)20
Afaceri/Comerţ (general)16
Inginerie/ştiinţă petrolieră15
Mecanică/Inginerie mecanică12
Medical (general)8
Puncte în alte 15 domenii >

Vizualizaţi toate punctele câştigate >
Cuvinte cheie: English/Spanish to Romanian translator specializing in juridical-administrative texts, Romanian lawyer-linguist, legal Romanian translator, traducator engleza/spaniola, Romanian, English, Spanish, traduccion, translation, juridical. See more.English/Spanish to Romanian translator specializing in juridical-administrative texts, Romanian lawyer-linguist, legal Romanian translator, traducator engleza/spaniola, Romanian, English, Spanish, traduccion, translation, juridical, administrative, marketing, IT, software, medical, environment, aviation, traducator engleza-spaniola, localization, legal English-Romanian translations, legal Spanish-Romanian translations, medical translations, user manuals translation, retail product descriptions; patents and life sciences translations and proofreading, Romanian translator, financial Romanian translation, software and IT Romanian translations. See less.

Ultima actualizare a profilului
Oct 23, 2024