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High-quality human translation services, specialised technical translations, compliance with specific terminology, professionalism, sworn translator, 19 years' experience as a fulltime translator, good value for money.
Tip cont
Traducător și/sau interpret liber-profesionist, Membru verificat
This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcreation, Terminology management, Language instruction
Domenii de specializare:
Computere: Software
Inginerie (general)
Mobilă/Aparate electrocasnice
Marketing/Cercetare de piaţă
Inginerie: Industrială
Automobile/Maşini şi camioane
Mecanică/Inginerie mecanică
Construcţii/Inginerie civilă
Juridic: Contract(e)
Electronică/Inginerie electronică
Alte domenii de lucru:
Finanţe (general)
Publicitate/Relaţii cu publicul
Afaceri/Comerţ (general)
Certificate, Diplome, Licenţe, CV-uri
Nave, Navigaţie, Maritim
Medical: Instrumente
Brevete de invenții
Cosmetice, Frumuseţe
Resurse umane
Automatică şi robotică
Ştiinţă (general)
Medical: Stomatologie
Juridic (general)
Medical: Farmaceutice
Inginerie/ştiinţă petrolieră
Mediu şi ecologie
Computere (general)
Medical (general)
Turism şi călătorii
din germană în română - Tarife: 0.05 - 0.10 EUR pe cuvânt / 25 - 35 EUR pe oră din engleză în română - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR pe cuvânt / 20 - 25 EUR pe oră din română în germană - Tarife: 0.07 - 0.10 EUR pe cuvânt / 25 - 35 EUR pe oră din română în engleză - Tarife: 0.06 - 0.08 EUR pe cuvânt / 20 - 25 EUR pe oră
Surcharge(s): Complex formatting +20% to +50% Jobs of high complexity +20% to +35% Rush jobs +20% to +50% Weekend +20% to +50% Minimum charge(s): Minimum charge for translation in EUR: 20.00
Bachelor's degree - "OVIDIUS" University of Constanta
Ani de experienţă în traduceri: 23. Înregistrat în Jan 2004. Membru din: Dec 2006.
Atestări profesionale
din germană în română (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) din engleză în română (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) din română în germană (Romanian Ministry of Justice) din română în engleză (Romanian Ministry of Justice) din română în germană (University of Constanta - Faculty of Letters)
din română în engleză (University of Bucharest - Faculty of Letters) din germană în română (University of Constanta - Faculty of Letters) din engleză în română (University of Bucharest - Faculty of Letters)
I completed my university studies as a philologist in 2001 with a diploma specializing in German language and literature-Romanian language and literature. In 2005 I received the license as a sworn translator for German and English, issued by the Ministry of Justice from Romania. The permit gives me the right to do sworn translations for public notaries, for the police, courts and state authorities. I worked as a teacher for Romanian and German languages and as a tour guide for short periods of time. From 2001 to 2005 I worked as a part-time translator. Since 2005 I have been working as a full-time freelance translator. Since then, I have been able to prove my skills for various clients on a freelance basis. My main topics are Technology and Marketing / Transcreation. As can be seen from the recommendations received from my customers, I always deliver high-quality translations and always meet the requirements of the respective translation project. Because I studied philology for 8 years, I have a strong sense of language. My analytical and stylistic skills are particularly valued when it comes to complicated technical and marketing specialist texts. I have an extensive experience working with CATools such as SDL Trados, Across, MemoQ, SDL Passolo, and in translating large projects. I have an extensive experience working with CATools such as SDL Trados, Across, MemoQ, SDL Passolo, and in translating large projects.
Mein Hochschulstudium als Philologin habe ich 2001 mit Diplom, Fachrichtung Deutsche Sprache und Literatur-Rumänische Sprache und Literatur, abgeschlossen. 2005 habe ich die Genehmigung als beeidigte Übersetzerin für Deutsch und Englisch, ausgestellt vom Justizministerium aus Rumänien, erhalten. Die Genehmigung gibt mir das Recht beeidigte Übersetzung für öffentliche Notaren, für Polizei, Gerichte und staatliche Behörden zu erledigen. Ich habe für kurze Zeiträume als Lehrerin für Rumänische und Deutsche Sprache und als Reiseleiterin gearbeitet. Von 2001 bis 2005 war ich als Übersetzerin in Teilzeit tätig. Seit 2005 bin ich als freiberuflerin Übersetzerin in Vollzeit tätig. Seitdem konnte ich meine Fähigkeiten für verschiedene Auftraggeber auf freiberufliche Basis beweisen. Meine Themenschwerpunkten sind Technik und Marketing/Transcreation. Wie aus den Empfehlungen meinen Kunden hervorgeht liefere ich immer hoch qualitative Übersetzungen und erfülle immer die Vorgaben des jeweiligen Übersetzungsprojekts. Weil ich Philologie 8 Jahre studiert habe, verfüge ich über ein ausgeprägtes Sprachgefühl. Insbesondere bei komplizierten technischen und Marketing-Fachtexten werden meine analytische wie auch meine stilistischen Fähigkeiten sehr geschätzt. Ich habe eine umfassende Erfahrung im Einsatz von CATools, wie SDL Trados, Across, MemoQ, SDL Passolo, und in Übersetzung großer Projekten.
Collaboration with translations agencies/direct clients as a freelance
Translation/proofreading of texts from different areas, QA-checking in SDL Trados, Across, MemoQ, MemSource, checking of terminology consistency,
text correctness and style according to target groups, glossary creation for
each project, localization of terminology and standards, software
localization, project management, collaboration with Pons publisher.
▪Business or sector: Automation and Robotics Automotive Cars and Trucks Business/Commerce Construction/Civil Engineering Electronics/Electrical Industrial Engineering: General, Appliances, Law general, contracts, patents,
trademarks, Marketing/Market Research, Medical Instruments, General,
Mechanics, Tourism and Travel, Transportation Orders completed: over 20.000, since 2005
Over 2.000.000 words translated in the following
Translation of personal documents and of documents for company incorporation; general translation, correspondence; marketing translation: product catalogues – such as catalogue for
children’s car chairs and strollers, catalogue for automotive parts and
accessories, catalogue for kitchen and bath products, catalogue for ceramic
tiles and sanitary products, catalogue of interior lamps; Law translation – notary public documents, several types of contracts,
legislation, documents for company incorporation, court decisions and other specific legal documents,
warrants, tender books, patents, tender documentation, internal regulations,
General Commercial Conditions; Accounting translation – balance sheets, invoices for import & export
of goods;
Technical translation – over 8.000.000 technical words translated in the
following technical sub-categories:
• Do-It-Yourself translation – tools, devices/machines and equipment used
in the home area (over 300 products translated): saws, screwdrivers,
grinders, grass cutting machines, hedge shears, leaf chopper, inflatable
pools and accessories for these, gas and charcoal grills, electric grills,
pumps, drilling and screw machines, paint guns, cement mixer, interior and
exterior lamps, kitchen and bath products, etc.
• Translation of home appliances and electronics – electronic watches,
vacuum cleaners, battery chargers, printers, multifunctional devices, audio and
video equipment, boilers (different models); • Translation of electric machines/devices and equipment – high voltage
generators, equipment for cable test van (Mobile Cable Fault Locating
System), systems and components for the distribution and automation of energy
in the industrial applications; • Automotive translation – user’s manuals,
installation/dismounting/maintenance/repairing / cleaning instructions,
automotive parts and accessories especially for Ford, Audi, Daimler,
Volkswagen. • Translation of machine-tools/construction machinery – technical
documentation – operating instructions for machines/equipment for the railway
construction (Project for the construction of the railway Constanta -
Bucharest, duration of the project - 5 years), safety provisions for workers,
offers of construction tools & parts, rehabilitation. Preferred
translator for Balfour Beatty Rail Romania for 5 years. • Translation of industrial machines – machines for printing newspapers,
magazines, labels, labeling and packaging machinery, machines for food industry,
ground conveyors - lift trucks (over 200 models); • Translation of agricultural machinery - user manuals and software
instructions for different models of seeder of a well/known manufacturer
(over 200.000 words translated and over 100.000 words proofread). • Software translation – software for medical analyses, software for oil
• Websites translation – e.g. presentation of an automotive dealer's branch
office, translation of an online hotel reservation system, a world
leader; • Tourism translation – leaflets, brochures, catalogues, etc. • Medical translation – diagnostics, medical sheets and analyses, medical
devices/equipment; • Transportation translation – different forms for road tax system, customs
declarations, delivery notes, transportation licenses.
Recommendations from clients:
„Corina helped us with a number of jobs, she is reliable and her quality is excellent. At any time again! ” „I can wholeheartedly recommend Corina Cristea as a proofreader. We are very happy with her work for us. ” „Very reliable, both in terms of deadlines and quality, and very pleasant to work with. ” „Reliable translator and excellent work. We love working with you! ” „Corina is very reliable and professional translator, delivery was always on time. We were highly satisfied with her translation services. ” „We do not have a lot of jobs into Romanian, but when we have we are always satisfied with the quality and reliability of Cristea. ” „ Great communication, always timely delivery, real professional, always a pleasure to work with ” „Professional, fast, reliable, excellent work! We are happy to count on Corina as our DE-RO translator on a long-term basis. She also proved to be a very good on-site interpreter for our sales team. ” „Thank you for yet another GREAT translation year. We thank you specially for your attention to detail, for pointing out mistakes and above all for supporting us with unexpected and urgent tasks.”
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