Membru din Mar '12

Limbile de lucru:
din franceză în română
din română în franceză
din engleză în română

Ligia Mihaiescu
Sworn translator/interpreter, reviser

Bucharest, Bucuresti, România
Ora locală: 02:09 EET (GMT+2)

Limba maternă: română Native in română
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on Willingness to Work Again info
8 positive reviews
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2 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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What Ligia Mihaiescu is working on
Jan 20, 2023 (posted via  Je suis en train de traduire un livre sur l'alimentation (66 500 mots), du roumain vers le français. ...more »
Total word count: 0

Mesaj utilizator
Interprète de conférence et traducteur assermenté
Tip cont Liber profesionist şi contractor, Identity Verified Membru verificat
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Afilieri This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Servicii Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Website localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Project management
Domenii de specializare:
Juridic (general)Juridic: Contract(e)
Organizaţii/dezvoltare/cooperare internaţionalăGuvern/Politică
Afaceri/Comerţ (general)Marketing/Cercetare de piaţă
Turism şi călătoriiMedical (general)
General/Conversaţie/Salutări/ScrisoriCertificate, Diplome, Licenţe, CV-uri


All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Activitate KudoZ (PRO) Puncte PRO: 967, Răspunsuri la întrebări: 316, Întrebări formulate: 45
Înregistrări în Blue Board adăugate de acest utilizator  2 înregistrări

Glosare Glosar EN - RO, GLOSAR FR - RO, GLOSAR RO - FR
Educaţie în domeniul traducerilor Graduate diploma - Université de Bucarest
Experienţă Ani de experienţă în traduceri: 34. Înregistrat în Jan 2012. Membru din: Mar 2012. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Atestări profesionale din franceză în română (University of Bucharest)
din română în franceză (University of Bucharest)
din engleză în română (University of Bucharest)
din engleză în franceză (University of Bucharest)
Afilieri N/A
Software Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Wordbee
CV/Resume CV sur demande
Events and training

Sworn translator and interpreter

- translation (selection): a
published Law book, several laws, hundreds of documents submitted as evidence
​to different law courts in Romania, France and Luxembourg, certificates, mandates,
tender documents (architecture; legal), declarations, court decisions, legal
contracts, oppositions, terms of service, content protected by copyright or
other proprietary rights​ (legal translation), translation of documents in
the field of intellectual property,​ documents for EWCs (several fields), ​telecommunications and IT,  tourism and travel, social
security, a theatre play, a book of memoirs, medical translations, a research in Social Media, a theatre play, texts about HR, debts
and credits, financial statements, documents for the Constitutional Court of
Romania's international conferences, press releases; summary of a doctoral
thesis ​; other fields: tobacco industry, archaeological mining, cosmetics,
art, museums, film translation and subtitling, ​websites etc.

I have also participated in the translation of the
acquis communautaire from French into Romanian. ​

- revision/review (selection):
different documents for the European institutions, training in retail,
political training, social protection, training in management book,​ Social
Media, a medical website, texts for the automotive industry, meetings of
Boards, doctoral thesis on translation, education content for pupils etc.;
revision/review of journalistic content on a daily basis

- interpretation (selection): court interpretation
(divorce, different commercial matters), several editions of the
International Judicial Conference (Antalya, La Valetta, Berlin, Bucharest,
a series of international conferences organized by the Romanian Constitutional Court, interpreting in two Phare twinning programs at the Romanian Senate
with the French Senate and at the Romanian Chamber of deputies, accompanying
the Romanian Senate and the Romanian Chamber of deputies delegations at the
French Senate and at the Assemblée nationale in Paris; interpreting in two
Phare twinning programs at the Superior Council of Magistracy, ​in two Phare
programs at the National Anti-corruption Prosecution Office and at the
Romanian Ministry of Justice, Fighting Corruption in the EU (European
Parliament, Brussels), Strengthening the Public Internal Audit Function
(Phare Program), ​meeting of the Board of CEPM (maize producers), the 24th
Meeting of CIMIN (European Gendarmerie Force), International Retail Committee
(large-scale distribution), Common Agricultural Policy, European Social
Chart, social security,​ 
Public Policy Management, structural funds, international
conference on fraud prevention and against money laundering,​ European trade
unions conferences, ​Senior management meetings (gas – electricity – energy,
home improvement), rural development; Conférence
des femmes de la Francophonie, Intergenerational Solidarity and the Trade
Union Role of Older People, ​​nuclear energy, ​SMEs, ​management of public
policies, ​training (large-scale distribution), interpreting at the National
Anti-corruption Prosecution Office, at the Police  and in notaries'
offices, training for civil servants in the Romanian Public Administration
(by the ENA)​, introducing Community Policing in Romania and training of trainers in
Community Policing (7 years), child protection, ​​live TV and radio
broadcasts; other subjects: energy efficiency, European Conference on the
Water Framework Directive Implementation, Keeping Young People in Employment,
Education and Training; Romania, France and the European Defence;​ World
Summit of Prosecutors General, Attorneys General and Chief Prosecutors,
preparative meeting of the European Constitutional Courts Presidents'
conference, ​World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges, road
construction, ​World Congress of Vine and Wine, ​taxation, ​Senior management
meetings (retail), ​cinema

Published translations:

- Roumanie – souvenirs, Ad Libri, Bucharest,
2023 (from Romanian into French)

- Roumanie (tourist guide),
Ad Libri, Bucharest, 2017 (from Romanian into French)

- Lupşan, Gabriela: Guide de
droit international privé de la famille, Magic Print Oneşti, 2014 (from
Romanian into French) (with the support of « Civil Justice » Programme of the
European Union)

- Satmari, Alexandru: Roumanie. Le Paradis des
chasseurs, Gemma Pres, 2006 (from Romanian into French)

- Manual de Poliţie de
Proximitate (Community Policing Book), Bucharest, 2006 (from Swiss French
into Romanian; I am one of the translators)

- Ghid de comunicare financiară, Phare Program, 1998 (From French into

Audio guide (translation from Romanian into French and reading) for the
Memorial of the Victims of Communism in Sighetu Marmaţiei (Romania)

Acest utilizator a câştigat puncte KudoZ ajutând alţi traducători cu termeni nivel PRO. Faceţi clic pe punctajul total pentru a vizualiza traducerile de termeni propuse.

Total puncte câştigate: 1015
Puncte nivel PRO: 967

Clasament limbi (PRO)
din franceză în română371
din engleză în română341
din română în franceză243
din engleză în franceză12
Domeniu General (PRO)
Puncte în alte 4 domenii >
Domeniu Restrâns (PRO)
Juridic (general)224
Juridic: Contract(e)123
Poezie şi literatură60
Medical (general)60
Mecanică/Inginerie mecanică32
Afaceri/Comerţ (general)29
Puncte în alte 36 domenii >

Vizualizaţi toate punctele câştigate >
Cuvinte cheie: interprétation, traduction, roumain, français, interpretare, traducere, romana, franceza, sworn interpreter, assermenté. See more.interprétation, traduction, roumain, français, interpretare, traducere, romana, franceza, sworn interpreter, assermenté, traducteur assermenté, interprète assermenté, conferinta, conférence, conference, professional, autorizatie Ministerul Justitiei, juridique, certifié, interprète, traducteur, experienced, Romanian, French, English, sworn translator, translation, simultana, simultanée, simultaneous, consécutive, consecutive, consecutiva, chuchotage, liaison, insotire delegatie, délégation, proofreading, voiceover, doublage de films, relecture, révision de texte, ministère de la Justice, Ministry of Justice, Romania, Roumanie, certified, réviseur de texte, reviser, revisor, copy-editing, revizie de text, corectura, social, administration, environnement, tourisme, police, journalisme, journalism, publicité, advertising, écologie, archéologie, histoire, autre, other, droit, juridique, sciences sociales, cinéma, film, TV, théâtre, entreprise, commerce, localisation, localization, adaptare, adaptation, editing, organisation internationale, international organization, organizatie internationala, développement international, coopération internationale, cooperare internationala, vente au détail, retail, gouvernement, politique, gestion, droit, relations publiques, vin, viticulture, textiles, vêtements, mode, mines et minéraux, pierres précieuses, cuisine, culinaire, économie, economics, economie, enseignement, pédagogie, art, artisanat, peinture, folklore, cosmétiques, produits de beauté, produits alimentaires et laitiers, food, dairy, géographie, geography, architecture, agriculture, general, général, correspondance, anthropologie, environnement, environment, écologie, contrat, contract, certificat, certificate, diplôme, diploma, licence, CV, zoologie, médecine, medicine, medicina, medical, pêche, soins de santé, bétail, élevage, géologie, linguistique, ressources humaines, HR, nutrition, immobilier, botanique, botany, sciences, loisirs, management, certified translator, tourism, tourisme, voyages, travel, documents, mediu, political, legal, étude, research, marketing, mode d'emploi, production, press release, communiqué de presse, comunicat, lettre, letter, offre, offer, information, interviu, interview, brochure.. See less.

Ultima actualizare a profilului
Dec 20, 2024