The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

din spaniolă în engleză Metalurgie/Turnătorie Translation Glossary

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cartas charts
cápsula de correo mail capsule
cegado clogging (also blinding)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
cerrajería Locksmith service
CHAPA COLAMINADA sandwich sheet
Chapon laminado rolled/laminated metal sheet >>> sheet metal
ciecilar circular brushes
cierre pestañado rimmed seal
cobles cobbles
coccion de atún tuna retorting
coche carts
colando un castillo pouring concrete for a pilaster
colocación del bolsón hacia la manga attaching the pocket into the sleeve
condensador de 4 bulbos 4-bulb condenser
cone metalico con lamina espesor de 6 a 7 mm metal cone 6 to 7 mm thick
conjunto de carga loading systems
conjunto de fuerza power train
croquis de información de despiece disassembly information sketch
cuba de tratamiento treatment tank
Entered by: Toby Wakely
cubas de cromado tank or bath
cupón soldado weld test coupon
datos del envío shipment data
de entrada de switchgear Switchgear input switch
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
de generacion para la operacion de los equipos de mina last generation diesel for the operation of the mining equipment
Entered by: liz askew
decapaje pickling
Degradar Downgrade
desague drainage
desbastes roughed slabs
descolar cut away / cut off / trim
descompensación imbalance
descontaminados por autoclave sterilized by autoclave
duplicidad consistency/uniformity
dureza presos Persoz pendulum test
Entered by: Reed James
ejecutor promoter/the man behind the initiative
El ideal servotécnico inspira la organización de nuestra empresa. Servo assisted technology
electrocincado electrogalvanized
embutición encapsulation [specimen encapsulation]
Entered by: Robert Mavros
embutición y contraembutición moulded/double moulded steel
Entered by: Edward Tully
embutido (metales) deep drawn
empalme a tope butt joint
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