The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

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$5000から使用した額を翌年へ繰り越す The amount used out of $5,000 should be carried forward as deferred charge to the following fiscal y
基礎収支 operating margin
原数値 original/raw figures/numbers
その他未収金 accounts receivable-other
みなし評価益 deemed valuation gain
半期毎6ヶ月分を半期末に請求 Bills are generated every six months
Entered by: Misae Lucasey
収益処理(決算確定日) Disposition of earnings (settlement date)
収益期中払出 Payments during earnings period
取組 processing
受取サイト Collection Period
否認 disaffirmance
Entered by: cinefil
各長 Department head/manager
売却原価 cost of products sold
Entered by: David Patrick
売買越管理 Overselling/overbuying management - overselling/overbuying controls
委託人件費・業務委託費 Outsourcing Payroll Cost/ Outsourcing Expenses
実績原価 Projected cost
対価を負担する bear the consideration
将来減算一時差異 deductible temporary differences
工程完成品生産高 manufactured goods production/completed goods output-yield
一旦プール計算を行って practice pool accounting
以前は一式で起こしていた伝票が、データの入口から明細の会計伝票を起票することによる効果もいくつか出てきます The ability to enter detailed accounting information at the point of data entry, where previously the transaction had to be fill
仕切率 wholesale rate
住宅キコウヤチン JHFA Rent
Entered by: David Patrick
佣金 commission
従人 dependant deduction from secondary income source
従量課金制(重量課金制?) Volume charging (system), Pay-as-you-go
供用開始年度 year of commencement of service/operations
フロントプロセス front-end (accounting) process
Entered by: cinefil
利息収支 Interest paid and received
制度会計 institutional accounting
制度共通年金見込額照会回答票 Response (form) to Inquiry of Probable Amount of Common Organizational Pension
ザブトン上金額 1億単位
債枚 Credit (債権)
入金業務 (account) receivables operations
全部純資産直入法 to be reported as a component of shareholders' equity
先に消化される場合 case of using up (consuming) prior...
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
前払い年金費用の取り崩し The reversal of prepaid pension expenses
割増退職金制度 retiree premium benefit program
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
固定費の変動費化 a variabilisation of [fixed] costs
固定資産除却損 loss on retirement of fixed assets
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