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Search results: (13 matches)
Trados support Does Studio 14 work with Windows XP? It Does I have a laptop with Windows XP SP 3 and Studio
2014 works just file with it.
Robert Daraban Dec 18, 2014 profile help How to delete a Blue Board Entry? Dear Team, I am writing you in order
to ask you how can I delete a Blue Board
entry? Thank you. Kind regards, Robert
Robert Daraban Feb 20, 2014
Trados support So do I install Trados 2011 or 2014? Do not uninstall Studio 2009 Dear Elvira, I do not recommend to uninstall
SDL Trados Studio 2009. I purchsed Studio 2014 as
well. When I tried to uninstall Studio 2011,
it wanted to uninstall SDL Pssolo 2011 as
Robert Daraban Oct 3, 2013
Money matters VAT number You do need to have a VAT Number Dear Helen, According to the EU Regulations
people/companies doing business with
companies/people located in another EU Country,
that then provider (you in this case), need to
Robert Daraban Aug 6, 2013
Subtitling Beginner puzzled by price of subtitling software in relation to rates Subtitle Workshop Dear Michael, I also do subtitling and I use
Subtitle Workshop, which was free, last time I
checked, and it supports several file types. I
have translated four movies with this software
Robert Daraban Apr 15, 2013
Trados support How to import TMs in SDL Trados 2006 to TM SDL Trados 2011 or TM SDL Trados 2007 exporting and importing TMs Dear Secilia, If you wish to export a 2006
Trados TM, do the following: Open the TM you wish
to export. Then on the Woirkbench, click
File-Export. As file type set txt, this si the
Robert Daraban Mar 30, 2012
Trados support Studio 2009 FL Plus -> 2011 FL Plus upgrade: does one keep the Trados 2007 licences? License is kept Dear Artem, I have also upgraded from SDL
Trados Studio 2009 Freelance Plus to SDL Trados
Studio 2011 Freelance Plus. My SDL Trados 2007
License remained kept and is active, I can use S
Robert Daraban Jan 28, 2012
Trados support reinstalling studio 2009 I also had to reinstall Studio 2009 Hello, According to my opinion you do not need
to save any folders, since after reinstallation
Trados will recognize the files used and you will
be able to process them. Good luck.
Robert Daraban Jan 4, 2012
Trados support reinstalling studio 2009 I also had to reinstall Studio 2009 Hello, When I reinstalled Studio 2009 I acted
as follows. First of all, you have to return
your license. To do this: Start-Programs-Sdl
Trados Studio 2009-Return license. Afterwards
Robert Daraban Jan 4, 2012
Trados support What is Tag Editor? Trados TagEditor Hello, Trados TagEditor is an application
included in SDLTrados 2007. It is used for
translating texts containing tags, which are not
to be altered. Furthermore these type of files
Robert Daraban Dec 2, 2011
Romanian Traducere Titulatura Masterat: Master's sau Master Degree? Propuneri in baza experientei sia diplomei de licenta bilingve Eu propun urmatoarele variante: Diploma de
Licenta= University Graduation Diploma Licentiat
in Informatica= Major: Computer
Sciences Diploam de Masterat= Master's
Degree E-ma
Robert Daraban Dec 1, 2011
Trados support RTF target file shows only source text Trados 2011 Not a great problem Dear Ahley, Whether you send a .doc file or a
.rtf file it is the same, both file types can be
opened by MS Word, regardless of version. If
however, you wish to send a .rtf file, ope
Robert Daraban Nov 29, 2011
Trados support SDL Studio 2009: How do I ensure text boxes are included in the sdlxliff files? Re: SDL Studio 2009: How do I ensure text boxes are included in the sdlxliff files? Hello, I have been working with SDLTrados
Studio 2009 for more than a year and now I use
SDLTrados Studio 2011, but this is not the
point. I have also translated with Studio 2009
Robert Daraban Nov 7, 2011

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