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Off topic: 唱歌吧......(Sing, Sing a Song...)
Inițiatorul discuției: Wenjer Leuschel (X)
chance (X)
chance (X)
din franceză în chineză
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你总不能等着人家拿杯子来才斟茶吧? Oct 2, 2007

[quote]David Shen wrote:
chance wrote:
Zhoudan wrote:
David Shen wrote:

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
黄金周节日 Oct 2, 2007

再次感谢诸位的好心祝贺, 又是茶又是花又是歌的. 区区一个生日占了这栏好多版面, 不太好意思. 但我们这一代象征性地是祖国的同龄人 - David 所提到的祖国的花朵 - 的确是与祖国一同成长.


[Edited at 2007-10-02 15:02]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
黄金周人山人海 Oct 2, 2007

天哪, 这光是合肥的火车站 ...

怪不得 Zhoudan 呆在家里

pkchan  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 19:06
Membru (2006)
din engleză în chineză
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醴陵釉下五彩瓷器.老板王满花茶杯 Oct 2, 2007


David Shen wrote:

chance wrote:
Zhoudan wrote:
David Shen wrote:

其实要求不高的话, 文化大革命期间的上面饰有 "抓革命, 促生产,备战、备荒、为人民" 等的上海搪瓷厂出品的搪瓷杯跟这把壶成份也差不了多少。(问一下YUEYIN对不对。)不过这些东西你还留着吗?

chance (X)
chance (X)
din franceză în chineză
+ ...
慧眼识珠 Oct 2, 2007


pkchan wrote:


David Shen wrote:

chance wrote:
Zhoudan wrote:
David Shen wrote:

其实要求不高的话, 文化大革命期间的上面饰有 "抓革命, 促生产,备战、备荒、为人民" 等的上海搪瓷厂出品的搪瓷杯跟这把壶成份也差不了多少。(问一下YUEYIN对不对。)不过这些东西你还留着吗?

[Edited at 2007-10-02 15:03]

[Edited at 2007-10-02 15:06]

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
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珍贵历史文物 Oct 2, 2007

David Shen wrote:

此壶是我与 PK兄游 Peabody Museum 时所见,是康乾盛世时期的铜胎珐琅质粉彩茶壶,色泽艳丽,图案精美,花团锦簇,可视为清中期中西工艺技术之结晶。珐琅彩绘技术源于法国,此等精湛技艺成就于中国,此壶现藏于波士顿西北 Salem 小镇上。

Peabody 和 Salem 对我来说都是很熟悉的地名。实际上,美国的很多博物馆,甚至很多私人收藏家,都藏有不少中国历史文物和艺术珍品。当年我在 New Hampshire 时,有一次到一个普通美国老百姓家去作客,主人拿出几幅中国画来给我看,说是他爷爷传给他的。其中一幅是清朝某皇帝肖像,看来是来自清朝皇宫,很可能来自圆明园。当时我心中不禁涌起一股难以形容的滋味。还有一次去Corning (康宁)谈项目,顺便参观了该公司自己的博物馆。那里面也有不少用玻璃、陶瓷制作的中国文物。记得90年代初,吴仪率贸易代表团来美国谈判时,美方代表想给她一个下马威,说他们是在跟小偷谈判。吴仪厉声驳斥道:“我们是在和强盗谈判,请看看你们博物馆里的展品,有多少是从中国抢来的!”(现在,中国人往往还得出天价予以回收。)

David Shen wrote:

其实要求不高的话, 文化大革命期间的上面饰有 "抓革命, 促生产,备战、备荒、为人民" 等的上海搪瓷厂出品的搪瓷杯跟这把壶成份也差不了多少。(问一下YUEYIN对不对。)不过这些东西你还留着吗?

上海搪瓷厂历史悠久,曾是国内规模较大的国营工厂,但据说多年前已经倒闭。现在中国很多高级旅馆、饭店里连浴缸、便池都是进口的。你说的“抓革命, 促生产”搪瓷杯虽然工艺比较简单,但上海搪瓷厂是完全有能力做出类似精品的。那年代,我们单位经常用类似的搪瓷杯或脸盆作为奖品奖励先进工作者。多了就往床底下一塞或者送人。估计不少人家里还能找到,再过若干年之后也许可以拿出来作为历史文物拍卖。

ysun  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
din engleză în chineză
+ ...
Steve, Oct 2, 2007

wherestip wrote:

天哪, 这光是合肥的火车站 ...

怪不得 Zhoudan 呆在家里

chance (X)
chance (X)
din franceză în chineză
+ ...
吴仪是厉害!那么多年了,一直没变,可能还有进步 ;-) Oct 2, 2007

Yueyin Sun wrote:

Peabody 和 Salem 对我来说都是很熟悉的地名。实际上,美国的很多博物馆,甚至很多私人收藏家,都藏有不少中国历史文物和艺术珍品。当年我在 New Hampshire 时,有一次到一个普通美国老百姓家去作客,主人拿出几幅中国画来给我看,说是他爷爷传给他的。其中一幅是清朝某皇帝肖像,看来是来自清朝皇宫,很可能来自圆明园。当时我心中不禁涌起一股难以形容的滋味。还有一次去Corning (康宁)谈项目,顺便参观了该公司自己的博物馆。那里面也有不少用玻璃、陶瓷制作的中国文物。记得90年代初,吴仪率贸易代表团来美国谈判时,美方代表想给她一个下马威,说他们是在跟小偷谈判。吴仪厉声驳斥道:“我们是在和强盗谈判,请看看你们博物馆里的展品,有多少是从中国抢来的!”(现在,中国人往往还得出天价予以回收。)

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
圆明园 Oct 2, 2007

Yueyin Sun wrote:


我觉得圆明园虽说是废墟, 还是应当有一定的文物保护措施的. 不该就跟猴山似的.

我初中上的北京一零一中就是在圆明园的旧址建的. 风景很好. 进了校门, 路两边有近一里的荷花和芦苇塘. 这基本上是个高干子弟学校, 差不多所有的学生都住校. 校园内有天然的自流井(颐和园和圆明园皆处西山脚下). 学校还有自己的农田和桃园, 后者盛产北京蜜桃. (a little bit like UT, Austin owning all these oil wells) 一零一与四中是当年北京重点中学数一数二的. 四中也有很多高干子弟. 这类学校大概有有特权之嫌, 可当时也没感到. (我当时还觉得挺苦的 )

BTW, 彭德怀庐山会议后就被软禁于圆明园, 据说就与我们邻居. 有的同学把足球踢过了校墙还见到过他在圆明园中散步.

[Edited at 2007-10-03 01:01]

chance (X)
chance (X)
din franceză în chineză
+ ...
刚才看他们爬上去照相 Oct 2, 2007


wherestip wrote:

Yueyin Sun wrote:


我觉得圆明园虽说是废墟, 还是应当有一定的文物保护措施的. 不该就跟猴山似的.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
French lyrics Oct 2, 2007

[quote]chance wrote:

Merci PK !

pkchan wrote:


C'est une chanson qui nous ressemble.
Toi, tu m'aimais et je t'aimais
Et nous vivions tous deux ensemble,
Toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais.
Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment,
Tout doucement, sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable
Les pas des amants désunis.


Indeed that was a very nice song. But in the performance by Andrea Bocelli, all I heard was the "refrain".

When I plugged the "refrain" into a machine translation tool, instead of being about autumn leaves as what the lady was singing, this is what I got ...

It is a song which resembles to us.
You, you liked me and I loved you
And we lived both unit,
You which liked me, me which loved you.
But the life separates those which like,
All gently, without making noise
And the sea erases on sand
Steps of the divided lovers.

Could you please explain the discrepancy? I'm thinking machine translation can't be THAT bad going from French to English.

chance (X)
chance (X)
din franceză în chineză
+ ...
Steven, Oct 2, 2007




[quote]wherestip wrote:

chance wrote:

Merci PK !

pkchan wrote:


C'est une chanson qui nous ressemble.
Toi, tu m'aimais et je t'aimais
Et nous vivions tous deux ensemble,
Toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais.
Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment,
Tout doucement, sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable
Les pas des amants désunis.


Indeed that was a very nice song. But in the performance by Andrea Bocelli, all I heard was the "refrain".

When I plugged the "refrain" into a machine translation tool, instead of being about autumn leaves as what the lady was singing, this is what I got ...

It is a song which resembles to us.
You, you liked me and I loved you
And we lived both unit,
You which liked me, me which loved you.
But the life separates those which like,
All gently, without making noise
And the sea erases on sand
Steps of the divided lovers.

Could you please explain the discrepancy? I'm thinking machine translation can't be THAT bad going from French to English.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
din chineză în engleză
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Autumn Leaves Oct 2, 2007

chance wrote:



That's okay. My guess the English translation didn't adhere to the original French very tightly. They must have taken some liberty with the lyrics.

pkchan  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 19:06
Membru (2006)
din engleză în chineză
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其實在去年11月已介紹過 Oct 2, 2007

當時還沒有這些連接。歌詞翻譯有兩種,一種是翻意思,但是不能唱,要唱得出的,必定會與原意有些距離,要合譜、合韻,又合意的是難求,所以DAVID才會有這樣的SITUATION......... 佳作難求。要抓革命時,又促生產,要欣賞藝術,又懂得翻譯,男的會有,女則難求。

[Edited at 2007-10-02 18:51]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 18:06
din chineză în engleză
+ ...
After a bit more search on that ... Oct 2, 2007

Yep, the two versions were not tightly coupled.

(french lyrics by jacques prvert,
English lyrics by johnny mercer,
Music by joseph kosma)

The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long
And soon Ill hear old winters song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

Cest une chanson, qui nous ressemble
Toi tu maimais et je taimais
Nous vivions tous, les deux ensemble
Toi que maimais moi qui taimais
Mais la vie spare ceux qui saiment
Tout doucement sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable les pas des amants dsunis

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唱歌吧......(Sing, Sing a Song...)

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