La ce lucrează traducătorii

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La ce proiect de traducere lucrați în acest moment?

publicat de către David Stewart în transmis:

Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient cuneiform records. Nobody on the planet translates hieroglyphs correctly, therefore a great deal of information is lost. The so-called "Tale of Two Brothers" is not an Egyptian fairy tale but the actual original record of Joseph in Egypt. What is translated as the "older brother" should be translated "master." Modern Chinese has exactly the same idiom. I have published my translation on and will continue to translate and post other records.



I Do That

  • din egipteană (antică) în engleză
  • 5000 cuvinte
  • History
  • None.
a răspuns din la 03:33 Aug 9, 2016:

Sounds fascinating! Challenging! Wonderful!

a răspuns din la 08:03 Aug 9, 2016:

Is u verstommende oortuiging oor die Bybels Josef nie ´n bietjie vergesog nie? Hoe goed is u Afrikaans werklik? "Die berggans het ´n veer laat val..."

a răspuns din la 08:04 Aug 9, 2016:

Ekskuus! "Bybelse Josef" en nie Bybels Josef.