La ce lucrează traducătorii

Împărtășiți celorlalți informații despre lucrările în curs, pentru a vă promova munca și a păstra o listă cronologică a proiectelor. Discutați despre această funcție.

La ce proiect de traducere lucrați în acest moment?
publicat de către Gethin Sugar în transmis:

The last few months of 2020 were very busy and 2021 has followed suit! I've been working on the regular software localisation projects for two of my regular clients, including their web-based, desktop and mobile applications and associated help documentation. I've also worked on a variety of other projects, including the translation of blog posts for the adult education sector, business documentation for the care sector and a very interesting mobile game for the cyber security industry. I've also worked on the proofreading of online portals for the higher education sector and patient-facing documents for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.


I Do That