Limbile de lucru:
din engleză în română
din română în engleză
din franceză în română

Engineer, SDL Trados, +20 yrs experience

Ora locală: 01:34 EET (GMT+2)

Limba maternă: română 
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5 positive reviews
Tip cont Traducător și/sau interpret liber-profesionist, Identity Verified Utilizator verificat
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Servicii Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling
Domenii de specializare:
Afaceri/Comerţ (general)Certificate, Diplome, Licenţe, CV-uri
Chimie; Ştiinţă/inginerie chimicăInginerie: Industrială
Mediu şi ecologieJuridic: Brevete, Mărci înregistrate, Drepturi de autor
Marketing/Cercetare de piaţăMecanică/Inginerie mecanică
Metalurgie/TurnătorieElectronică/Inginerie electronică


Activitate KudoZ (PRO) Puncte PRO: 123, Răspunsuri la întrebări: 113, Întrebări formulate: 13
Istoric proiecte 2 proiecte adăugate    2 opinii pozitive din partea contractorilor

Portofoliu Mostre de traducere prezentate: 1
Glosare Business/Commerce (general), Construction / Civil Engineering, Cooking / Culinary (Other), Economics, Electronics / Elect Eng, Energy / Power Generation (Other), Environment & Ecology, Finance, Investment / Securities, Law (general)

Educaţie în domeniul traducerilor Master's degree - "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Faculty of Letters and Theology, Romania
Experienţă Ani de experienţă în traduceri: 33. Înregistrat în Feb 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Atestări profesionale din română în engleză (Romanian Ministry of Justice)
din engleză în română ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania)
din engleză în română (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates)
din română în engleză ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania)
din franceză în română (Romanian Ministry of Justice)

Software Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Corel Draw, MS Office XP, Outlook Express, SDL Trados Studio 2011, Wordfast Pro, Powerpoint
Mesaje pe forum 9 forum posts
CV/Resume engleză (PDF)
Events and training
Practici profesionale LILIANA HUTANU aderă la's Codul deontologic (v1.0).

Accurate and highly skilled technical, general business and legal translator and interpreter.
• Steel Industry, Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering, Bearing Manufacturing, Forging Equipment, Oil Drilling Equipment, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) Equipment, Chemistry, Physics, Utilities and Energy;
• Technical Specifications, Policies and Procedures, Operating Instructions, User Guides, Manuals, Household Appliances;
• Technical Reports, Quality Management, Environment, Logistics;
• Human Resources, Collective Labour Agreement, Code of Conduct, Safety Training, Ethics and Compliance Training, Articles on Ethics and Compliance;
• Corporate Governance and Management, Presentation Brochures, Press Releases, Articles in Technical Magazines, Patents;
• Business and Commercial Documents, Business Letters, Marketing and Advertising Literature;
• Commercial Agreements, Inquiries, Tenders, Insurance, Customs Documentation;
• Legal Translations, Legal Statements, Powers of Attorney, Court Documents;
• Academic Transcripts and Diplomas, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates;
• Finance, Accounting, Banking, Audit Reports;
• Clinical Trials, Protocols, Summary of Product Characteristics, Medical Equipment, Biotechnology;
• Film Scripts.
Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.
Editing and proofreading.

I am a very positive, self-motivated person with high personal standards, highly committed and reliable. My engineering background has favoured me shaping me in a thorough and accurate translator. I have gained vast experience in steel industry and engineering-related translations, as I have been involved as a full-time interpreter and translator in site surveys, project implementations, quality assurance projects, commercial agreement negotiations and business meetings for more than 20 years. My work has also included consecutive and simultaneous interpreting in conferences, interviews, high-level meetings, business meetings, metallurgy-related seminars, public debates and trainings on clinical trials. I have expanded my abilities by performing legalized and notarized translations of contracts, powers of attorney, legal statements and sentences, academic transcripts and diplomas for 13 years.
I am willing to take on challenging translation and interpreting assignments to capitalize the professional experience acquired.

• M.A. in Translation and Interpreting, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania (First Class Honours);
• M.Sc. in Quality Management, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania (First Class Honours);
• B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, graduated from "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania (First Class Honours);
• Professional Translator Certificates in English and French accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Culture;
• Certified and Sworn Translator and Interpreter for Legal, Notarized and Court Translations from/into Romanian/English/French by the Romanian Ministry of Justice;
• General English Course graduated from Studio School of English, Cambridge, U.K.;
• First Certificate in English awarded by University of Cambridge, U.K.;
• General French Course graduated from Codis SA, Salignac, France;
• Diplome elementaire de langue francaise, awarded by the Ministry of National Education, France;
• Quality Management and Quality Costs Courses graduated from Quasaro SRL, Bucharest, Romania;
• Management Through Quality Course graduated from Braco SA, Bucharest, Romania;
• Clean Driving Licence since 1990.

Contact details:
Mobile: +40 722 332 463
e-mail: [email protected]

Acest utilizator a câştigat puncte KudoZ ajutând alţi traducători cu termeni nivel PRO. Faceţi clic pe punctajul total pentru a vizualiza traducerile de termeni propuse.

Total puncte câştigate: 143
Puncte nivel PRO: 123

Clasament limbi (PRO)
din engleză în română47
din franceză în engleză32
din română în engleză19
din engleză în franceză12
din franceză în română9
Puncte în altă pereche >
Domeniu General (PRO)
Domeniu Restrâns (PRO)
Finanţe (general)30
Juridic (general)20
Mecanică/Inginerie mecanică8
Medical (general)4
Puncte în alte 13 domenii >

Vizualizaţi toate punctele câştigate >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects2
With client feedback2
100% positive (2 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
din română în engleză1
din engleză în română1
Specialty fields
Mecanică/Inginerie mecanică3
Afaceri/Comerţ (general)1
Automobile/Maşini şi camioane1
Other fields
Cuvinte cheie: industry technology metallurgy mechanical engineering chemistry physics biotechnology legal law legislation patents finance contract business commercial marketing insurance quality assurance environment management utilities energy medical tourism hotel advertising accounting banking audit Romanian English French editing proof TRADOS interpreting translating traduceri legalizate traducator autorizat al Ministerului de Justitie diplome industrie metalurgie chimie fizica asigurari calitate mediu energie medicina turism Summary of Product Characteristics EMEA clinical trials investigator film script clinical research healthcare risk evaluation

Ultima actualizare a profilului
May 26, 2019