Limbile de lucru:
din română în italiană
din italiană în română
din engleză în română

Damaris Stroe
Medicină, juridic , electronică manuale


Limba maternă: română (Variants: Transylvanian, Moldovan) Native in română
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Since 2013:External colaboration with Italian Translation agencies, companies and privat customers. Translation of technical documentation from and into Romanian and English. Sworn, certified and legalised translations w/o apostille.
2107: Collaboration with the ltalian filmmaker Davide Labanti, translating the scenography from Italian to Romanian and adjusting to the Romanian's culture.

Main fields of specialisation: medicine, law, lT, industry, correspondence, mechanical engineering, culture, education, poetry, manuals, sciences, technology, public relations.
Good knowledge of those computer tools providing help and support for the work of translators as OmegaT.
Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excell, Powerpoint).
Cuvinte cheie: romanian, italian, medicine, technology, legal, industry, rumeno, moldavo, moldavian

Ultima actualizare a profilului
Mar 16, 2024