Glossary entry

română term or phrase:

(caz) fortuit

engleză translation:

act of God

Added to glossary by Marcella Magda
Jan 2, 2005 17:30
20 yrs ago
17 viewers *
română term

(caz) fortuit

din română în engleză Legislaţie/Brevete Juridic (general)
Please felp me to translate this word (expression
Proposed translations (engleză)
4 +2 act of god


Liviu-Lee Roth Nov 23, 2013:
fortuitous event fortuitous event17:27 Nov 22 Click here to delete your post Click here to edit your post

In civil law. That which happens by a cause which cannot be resisted. Code La. art. 2522, No. 7. That which neither of the parties has occasioned or could prevent. Lois des Bat. pt. 2, c. 2. An unforeseen event which cannot be prevented. Diet, de Jur. “Cas Fortuit.” There is a difference between a fortuitous event, or inevitable accident, and irresistible force. By the former, commonly called the “act of God,” is meant any accident produced by physical causes which are irresistible; such as a loss by lightning or storms, by the perils of the seas, by inundations and earthquakes, or by sudden death or illness. By the latter is meant such an interposition of human agency as is, from its nature and power, absolutely uncontrollable.

Proposed translations

5 minute

act of god

fortuit - fortuitous, accidental

Automotive theft & road hazard programs
... 2000) was added to the Insurance Law by Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1999 ... hazards is
nonetheless just as fortuitous as loss resulting from an ‘act of God". ... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 10 mins (2005-01-02 17:40:34 GMT)

Liste Alpinet - alpinet2k - Cazare,Revelion 2005,Munte,Cabana ...
... penal. Mai poti scapa daca dovedesti ca a fost vorba de un caz de forta
majora/caz fortuit pe care nu aveai cum sa-l prevezi (de ex. ... index_ro_s_11_ss_0_id_11724.html - 48k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Diaconu : Atenţie: nu este acelaşi lucru caz fortuit cu forţă majoră. Caz fortuit se referă la o catastrofă naturală (act of God), iar cazul/evenimentul de forţă majoră (force majeure) este "o împrejurare... care împiedică..."
14 minute
Ai dreptate, Maria, mi-a scapat :) La Multi Ani!
agree Ioana Costache : ori "force majeure"
47 minute
agree eVerbum (X)
1 oră
disagree Liviu-Lee Roth : sorry, „caz fortuit” IS NOT „act of GOD” - read legal books, not dictionaries. vezi discussion
3247 zile
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