Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 220 results
Santali General Glossary
Prasanta Hembram |
All general terms
English-Norwegian Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Terminologi for test av programvare)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Abbreviations and acronyms
Environment DG- Glossaries EU |
You will find hundreds of abbreviations and acronyms used (almost) everyday in Eurostat and with which you are not necessarily familiar.
Georgian-Megrelian-Laz-Svan-English Dictionary
Ramaz Kurdadze et al. |
Ramaz Kurdadze et al., Georgian-Megrelian-Laz-Svan-English Dictionary, 2015, 244 p. 5 721 entries.
Its a good glossary because it provides more than one possibility for the terms and in some terms, short explanations are included.
Англо-русский словарь сокращений транспортно-экспедиторских и коммерческих терминов и выражений ФИАТА Перевод, редактирование, пояснения и комментарии выполнены дирекцией Российской ассоциации международных экспедиторов. Транспортные и экспедиторские термины и выражения Коммерческие термины и выражения (включая "Инкотермс") Международные конвен... View more
Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary Credits
Mark Ramsey, Texas Drilling Associates |
معجم مصطلحات الشريعة والقانون
Dr. Abdel Wahed Karam |
Arabic > French >English downloadable dictionary of legal and Islamic Sharia terms
Marco Jurídico de la Unión Europea
José Jaime Sánchez Hipólito |
Glossary for the Legal Framework of the European Unión
English-Spanish Glossary of Terms Relating to Higher Education & Student Financial Aid
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and others |
This glossary is maintained and supported by a group of organizations involved in student financial aid and in promoting access to higher education to Hispanics throughout the country: Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities,National Association for College Admission Counseling, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators... View more
Das Lexikon der Erde
Arislejdy Stolzenberger-Ramirez |
GeoDZ ist das umfassende Referenzwerk rund um unsere Erde. Es verfolgt ein integriertes Konzept und umfasst sämtliche Disziplinen der Geowissenschaften: Geologie, Geografie, Geodäsie, Geophysik, etc. Wir möchten GeoDZ sowohl als Lexikon als auch als Studienführer verstanden wissen. Geo DZ is the profound knowledge ressource for earth ... View more
Sie finden hier eine Zusammenstellung von inzwischen über 1500 Begriffen rund um Lebensmittel und deren Verarbeitung.
Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU |
Spletna izdaja Ta izdaja je vsebinsko enaka prvotiskom iz 1970, 1975, 1979, 1985 in 1991, ponatisoma iz 1997 in 2008 ter digitalnima izdajama iz 1998 in 2000. Ljubljana 2000 Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU ... View more
Glossario di MTC
di Giulia Boschi |
Alcuni dei caratteri principali nella terminologia della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese, dal pinyin all'Italiano, con di fianco gli ideogrammi cinesi nelle versioni completa e semplificata
Glossary of Chinese Yijing terms
by Ma Xia (Chinese name of S J Marshall) |
This is a glossary of Yijing technical terms that appear on this site, in alphabetical order of pinyin syllables, so xiantian comes before xiangshu
Slovník odporu
Student ZČU v Plzni |
Malý encyklopedický slovník výrazů, osobností a nazvů, které nějak souvisejí s anarchismem, komunismem, antifašismem, antikapitalismem a vůbec levicovou filosofií.
Glossaire de programmes, lois et termes agricoles
Glossaire de programmes, lois et termes agricoles - Glossaire |
Le présent document a été rédigé à l’intention des parlementaires, de leur personnel, ainsi que de toute personne qu’intéresse l’élaboration des politiques touchant directement ou indirectement l’agriculture au niveau fédéral.
English>Spanish Legal Glossary of the Superior Court of California
The Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English-Spanish Legal Glossary of tems used in legal interpretation. It contains the English term and its translations plus a definition of the terms.
Glosario de Geología Inglés-Español
Luis Angel Alonso Matilla |
Desde la época de estudiante de la carrera de Ciencias Geológicas siempre me he encontrado con la inquietud de querer saber el significado en español, en castellano, de un término, de un concepto geológico, en inglés o en otro idioma – pero admitido en la terminología geológica internacional.-, y de cómo debería citarlo, si es que existe su denomin... View more
Online Glossary of Linguistic Terminology
George J. Xydopoulos |
A glossary covering many different areas of and approaches to linguistics.
Glass dictionary
Staatliches Berufskolleg Glas/Keramik/Gestaltung des Landes NRW, Rheinbach |
German English glass dictionary (technical)
Romanian>English European Politics Glossary (RO>EN)
Uniunea Europeana - Regio, programul operational regional |
Previ GLOSSARY Fire protection
Prévention des incendies belgique |
Ce glossaire comprend 1757 mots dans chaque langue avec une mise à jour du 2009.01.16 GLOSSAIRE quadrilingue des termes techniques utilisés dans le domaine de l'incendie. ç Cette page vous permet d'effectuer, au départ de l'alphabet, une sélection basée sur les termes en français. Les versions en néerlandais, anglais et allemand offrent ... View more
The German-English dictionary of railway terms is in two sections: The main dictionary: Select German words beginning with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The appendices: Groups of terms related to: Bahnanlagen, Points (am. Switches), Rail or Track, Signalling, Locomotive wheel/axle layout
English-Mien Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
English-Mien Legal Glossary
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 6
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 6
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 5
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 5
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 4
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 4
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 3
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 3
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 2
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - Part 2
English/Urdu Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English/Urdu Legal Glossary - first of 6 parts.
English/Punjabi Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English/Punjabi Legal Glossary
English/Rominian Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English/Romanian Legal Glossary
English-Vietnamese Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English-Vietnamese Legal Glossary
English/Mong (Moob) Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
Engilsh/Mong (Moob) Legal Glossary
Arabic-English Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
Arabic-English Legal Glossary
English-Armenian Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English-Armenian Legal Glossary (Western Armenian)
English/Russian Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento / Yana Berrier, Esq.l |
Disclaimer The Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento ("Court"), has prepared this Legal Glossary. The Court cannot guarantee that the translations contained therein are completely accurate, although reasonable attempts were made to achieve this goal. This glossary is to be used for general reference purposes only, should be conside... View more
Türkçe kavram ve isimler dizini; pek çok terim ve kavramın Fransızca karşılığı da verilmiştir.