The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

din chineză în engleză General/Conversaţie/Salutări/Scrisori Translation Glossary

chineză term engleză translation
随传随到. presence on call
~{6/8PKDRg~} full of vitality
"实火还是虚火" real or illusory
"莫須有"罪名 guilty without cause
No. XXX (used to refer to a slot or a unit)
口水战 Argument
另类的眼光 strange look
台灣籃球界/籃壇 Taiwanese basketball
变相占位 (position) occupation in disguised form
变阵 change formation
发票 receipt
Entered by: Alvin Liu
名媛 lady of note
启示 enlightenment, inspiration,revelation,apocalypse。
向上挑起 slant upwards
各领风骚 each enjoys its popularity
吉林市遵义街9委3组 9 Wei 3 Zu
Entered by: SHU-DE RONG
坐月子中心 postnatal care center
墨水 knowledgeably
大舅的妹妹的儿子 cousin
天下攘攘皆为利来,天下熙熙皆为利往。 Jostling and joyous, |The whole world comes for profit;|After profit the whole world goes!
太岁头上动土 beard the lion in his den
夜店 night club
好额好额 alright
妒火中生的感觉 a feeling of burning jealousy
如此类推 and so on
Entered by: carol so
宣布作废 declare... invalid
官官相衛 bureaucrats defending each other
对事不对人 Nothing personal
对方是地头蛇 a person of local influence
对感情的期望太高了 expect too much from a relationship
富得流油 overflowing coffer
小女人 lady of leisure
将她上了环 have an intrauterine device placed in her uterus
岗位竞聘 competitive recruitment for positions
岗位资格 job qualifications
上述协议事项,是我们双方共同协商所达成的一致意见保证切实履行;协议内容如有隐瞒,欺骗,责任自负 We declare that we have negotiated this agreement in good faith and will faithfully execute it. Each party accepts full liability for any lies or omissions in the contents of the agreement.
上海开埠 Shanghai opened its doors to trade
与狼共舞 playing with fire
不好好上学 doesn't take school seriously
不得已而为之 was forced to do against my will
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