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Search results: (1327 matches)
General technical issues How to make this glossary usable? The real problem here... that the format used replaces the 'headword'
in each entry with symbols, and in some cases, a
succession of words. This seems to be Asker's
principal headache — and I for one can'
Tony M May 31
General technical issues How to make this glossary usable? Start by using "search and replace" I would start by trying to identify what the
actual delimiters used are, and then use S&R to
replace them with e.g. TAB; then you can format
into a table, if necessary, and then easily del
Tony M May 31
Office applications Replacing lower opening quotation mark with upper opening quotation mark in MS Word Risky because... I can't be the only person who has thought they'd
copied something, only to find they hadn't in fact
when they came to paste something lurking on the
clipboard. I'm not convinced you ne
Tony M Feb 21
Office applications Replacing lower opening quotation mark with upper opening quotation mark in MS Word Risky! That's a very risky solution, as it will only work
if you have started by remembering to Ctrl C; so
easy to slip! The previous solution using the
correct character codes is much more el
Tony M Feb 19 profile help Profile visitors IP addresses of e.g. ISPs Very often when this happens, it is nothing
sinister, merely a generic IP address from a major
ISP — so it's not the same person visting your
profile several times, but rather, visits fr
Tony M Oct 20, 2023
General technical issues Regex to replace 'RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK' (U+2019) Word's own S-&-R Normally, you can just use Search & Replace all '
with ', and provided you have smart quotes turned
on AND the correct language set, it will just do
it automatically. It doesn't matter whe
Tony M Aug 10, 2023
Scams Scam using check and zelle app. Classic "overpayment scam" Sadly, this is yet another example of the classic
overpayment scam, which has been widely reported
in the forums. You should check out the
"scam alerts" page, and there also exis
Tony M Mar 31, 2023
Office applications Convert pdf with Finereader to odt or docx document No experience of this, but just one point... This is good to know, but do bear in mind that the
.ODT format is not universally openable by other
word processors; so I would suggest that once you
have this .ODT doc, you should then sa
Tony M Mar 26, 2023
Office applications Ms Word macro to merge all documents in a folder (recursive) Google it [quote]Stepan Konev wrote: Can you name it or
give a link? [/quote] Sorry, no... but the
name was very self-explanatory, and I found it
easily just be doing an Internet search. I th
Tony M Mar 8, 2023
Office applications Ms Word macro to merge all documents in a folder (recursive) Cheap utility I did once find a very handy little utility that
was quite inexpensive that would join Word files
— and even more usefully, split them again
later! The only snag I found was its inabili
Tony M Mar 8, 2023
Scams Do not trust the email address "[email protected]" - Scam Free e-mail account concerns We've had this discussion so many times in the
past, and people using free e-mail providers
always act very defensively! Not all users of
g-mail etc. are scammers — obviously! HOWEVE
Tony M Mar 3, 2023
Scams Client sends many invitations but never orders. Is it scam? Very common, doesn't mean it's a scam It is very common to receive frequent job offers
that are not followed through; you certainly can't
expect an outsourcer to engage in discussion of
their ordering policy! Just keep on appl
Tony M Mar 3, 2023
General technical issues Is there an application for PC that can collect from multiple e-mail accounts (like Gmail does)? Sorry, I missed out a key requirement! Thanks to all contributors so far! I apologise
for having omitted my key requirement, which is
the reason I long ago had to ditch both Outlook
and Thunderbird! They both have to drawb
Tony M Aug 15, 2022
General technical issues Is there an application for PC that can collect from multiple e-mail accounts (like Gmail does)? I currently use Gmail to collect mail from
multiple e-mail accounts, but it has shortcomings
that bother me, and I would prefer to find a
different solution. First of all, Gmail,
Tony M Aug 15, 2022
CAT Tools Technical Help I have translated manually 2 million words, no CAT tools. Best software to take advantage from it? Alignment I'm no expert; but when I have a matching pair of
documents in a language pair like this, I would
usually be looking at an alignment tool, to create
a parallel bilingual file, from which y
Tony M May 29, 2022
Office applications How do you configure your spellchecker to avoid using the wrong word? Vigilance! I have some odd neurological condition that means
I often invert pairs of letters (lack of L-R
co-ordination) So there are some words I
frequently misspell into other words — examples
Tony M Apr 17, 2022
General technical issues How to convert statistics/analyses into an invoice Try this... I confess I've not tried this specifically with
MemSource, but a technique I've used before is to
paste the statistics into a DOC and convert to
table (or else into an XLS), and then start
Tony M Feb 3, 2022
Speech recognition Is speech recognition worth it? Choice of microphone The key factors when selecting a microphone are
how well it picks up te voice, and how ell it
ignores extraneous background sounds. Most
microphones these days, even fairly cheap ones,
Tony M Jan 16, 2022
Office applications PowerPoint slide size changes during EN - ES translation NEVER change slide size! This will inevitably have knock-on effects
everywhere! You may just be able to cheat by
slightly reducing the font size, or better if you
can, change the character spacing to be slightly<
Tony M Dec 14, 2021
Office applications How to fix letter and character spacing in Word 365 Different circumstances, similar problem I have experienced a similar thing in two quite
different circumstances: (though neither of them
with Word365) 1) With some documents, when they
were created using a font that is not ins
Tony M Nov 26, 2021
Trados support Is it really so necessary to have Trados? Default setting for posting jobs? I've always suspected it is probably the default
setting for outsourcers when posting jobs. My
hunch is partly because the requirement for Trados
often appears on jobs that patently woldn
Tony M Nov 17, 2021
Scams Scammer pretending to represent MGM LINGUISTIC SOLUTIONS Company IP address can be ambiguous [quote]Vladimír Pleva wrote: I just did some
research and I found out that the genuine MGM
email has the same sender's IP address as the
above mentioned fake email. So I'm a bit
Tony M Nov 12, 2021
Scams How can a new agency request all those information and yet its not matter such information? Reason for utility bill Here in France, a utility bill is regulalry
required as proof od the fact you do actually live
at the address you claim — this is the only
missing link in this net of information: they c
Tony M Aug 11, 2021
Business issues Should you accept to conduct a translation test or no ? Maybe, if you're just starting out. I personally refuse to do them, unless they are
paid. I have over 25 years of experience in
translation and a wealth of customer testimonials
to prove my competence. I believe there is
Tony M Aug 2, 2021
General technical issues Is technical education helpful? Where do you start? Let's face it, the whole subject is SO vast, it is
going first of all to depend to a huge extent on
your existing knowledge/experience in the field.
From the sound of it, you would be star
Tony M Jun 16, 2021
Office applications How to change all "quotation" marks to »Guillemet« marks, in an English text? Try this: 'Select All', change document language to German;
turn OFF the 'replace quotes by smart quotes'
feature in 'Tools' > 'Auto Correction options' >
'Auto correct', and then try 'search and re
Tony M Feb 25, 2021
Software applications Can anyone recommend a transcription software? ExpressScribe I have only ever used one piece of software, some
years ago now, and this is the one I used then —
I think it was the free trial version, but I was
very happy with it. When I did a quic
Tony M Feb 22, 2021
General technical issues QuickSilver .ildoc file Almost certainly no choice... [quote]Kirill Rodionov wrote: They don't want to
make copy&paste work. [/quote] Sadly, because of
their lack of foresight, they may not have any
choice! BUT... if they still have access
Tony M Feb 8, 2021
Translator resources Google search, no frequency numbers? Exact match / Verbatim I notice that if you select the "exact match"
option (e.g. when using literals to search for a
collocation), it inhibits the results number.
Tony M Jan 2, 2021
Wordfast support InDesign file with WordFast? Same for me! I normally use Wordfast Classic, but when I was
asked to deal with an InDesign file, I downloaded
Wordfast Pro. I was disappointed to see that it
is of course vastly more complex — and
Tony M Jun 26, 2020
Scams Victim of phishing/identity theft Your profile Bad luck! This happened to me once too — quite
brazenly, by another member! Might I
suggest that, in addition to your post here (which
will be seen by only a limited number o
Tony M Jun 19, 2020
Business issues Translator fined for not meeting the deadline Reimbursement? The fact that you take responsibility for your
work, in terms of quality and timeliness, is
obviously only correct, and about the only redress
a customer has is to ask for a reduction in t
Tony M May 21, 2020
Professional development I am making a study about CAT tools for the translation of video subtitles Your survey is flawed Question 3 is a 'free' answer, which in my case
was 'none' In this case, your Question 4 is
nonsense — because it presupposes you do use a
CAT tool! Either Question 3 should have a '
Tony M Apr 24, 2020
General technical issues Extracting highlighted text in Word and re-importing the translation CAT tool "untranslatable" attribute Alternatively, perhaps you could simply use Word's
own Search-&-Replace facility to apply the
'untranslatable' attribute used by your CAT tool
to any text that is highlighted; this has the
Tony M Apr 2, 2020
Translator resources Such as, but not limited to Google Translate The trouble is... Looking up a single word out of context (unless
that word is a company-specific neologism)
obviously cannot be reproached, as Thomas Frost
points out. HOWEVER, if you search for an
Tony M Mar 30, 2020
Office applications Problem with old Excel files in Windows 10 One workaround I have found for some problem files... to upload and open them in e.g. Google docs,
then save them from there in some other format,
and download again; this has saved my bacon on a
number of occasions, though admittedly,
Tony M Jan 29, 2020
Translator resources How can I view milliseconds in a transcription project? Unlikely, I'd have thought! Since videos work at a rate of 25 images / second,
the smallest meaningful time interval is 1/25 sec
= 0.04 s = 40 ms — so trying to measure anything
smaller than that is pretty meaningl
Tony M Dec 30, 2019
CAT Tools Technical Help File conversion to TXT Forget that, bad idea! Silly suggestion withdrawn! My bigger concern
might well be how you are going to pop it all back
in again afterwards... ?

[Edited at
2019-12-04 20:38 GMT]
Tony M Dec 4, 2019
Scams weird message - I suspect a scam Me too! I got the same — a very obvious scam attempt! So
naturally I didn't reply; but I did check out the profile, which has already been deleted.
With any luck, maybe your reply revea
Tony M Nov 15, 2019
General technical issues Offline tool to compare two word lists Excel? Could you do it going via Excel? Somthing like
IF (value in Column A) = (value in Column B), THEN
Column C = (value in Column A), ELSE [0] Then
when you copy back to word, it would b
Tony M Oct 26, 2019
General technical issues Moving to PC or staying with Mac? A few considerations... Always having worked on Mac myself, when I started
in translation (a long time ago!), I found myself
constrained to going over to PC for at least one
reason that seemed to me insurmountabl
Tony M Oct 10, 2019
Office applications Exporting MS Word tables column #7 Quick and dirty solution! How about extracting all the tables (I believe
there are utilities that can do this), then doing
'Convert table to text' followed by 'Convert text
to table' in order to concatenate them al
Tony M Oct 6, 2019
Scams Concern about a possible scam I've gotten involved in Sadly, no! We have heard reports of the bank's rejecting the
cheque up to 2 or 3 months later, when the forgery
comes to light. Depending on the banking regs in
your country, the banks have a certai
Tony M Aug 15, 2019
Scams Concern about a possible scam I've gotten involved in Classic overpayment scam I'm afraid it sounds like you've been
caught! This smells extremely like the classic
overpayment scam: in particular, the failure of
the "client" to provide verifiable ID, and the
Tony M Aug 15, 2019
Scams New scam but where do they get our emails from? Some thoughts... [quote]Bernhard Sulzer wrote: ... >>>> Note:
the author sends it to my email only, does not
sign his name. [/quote] How can you tell? if
they used Bcc, you will see only your own
Tony M Jul 22, 2019
Wordfast support Problem using external hard drive to transfer updated TMs from mainframe to laptop - Wordfast 5 Load? What do you mean when you say 'load'? Do you
mean "set them for use in Wordfast by accessing
them directly from the Ext HD"? It's not really a
brilliant idea to work in W/F with TMs on
Tony M Jul 3, 2019
Linguistics ITALIAN to ENGLISH - Genitivo sassone con possessore plurale in cui uno dei possessori è la 1 p.s. Hope this helps! Once you have the 'of', you don't need the
possessive any more, so you could say "They're
friends of Luca and myself"; otherwise, "They're
Luca and my friends" is OK; just as if you were t
Tony M Jun 16, 2019
Office applications font not available Probably do nothing! If you are sending it back to the same person it
originated from, you probably don't need to do
anything! As long as the font is on their
computer, it will come out alright when they
Tony M May 20, 2019
General technical issues how could I convert this file in TXT format into a file in tmx format Quick and dirty solution! First, check that the .TXT file has the right
number of tabs (= columns) to correspond to a .TMX
file — if it originally came from one, it
probably will have! Secondly, in a basic te
Tony M May 19, 2019
Wordfast support Problems with Wordfast Classic Glossary: entries NOT added in TARGET language Better to post in dedicated Wordfast thread Hi! You'll probably reach the best people to
answer your question if you post it in the
dedicated thread for Wordfast in the CAT Tools
forum. When re-posting, I suggest you mention the
Tony M May 8, 2019

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