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Search results: (611 matches)
OmegaT support How to install plugin Okapi in OmegaT Filters should appear in Options > File Filters [quote]Meyers wrote: [quote]esperantisto
wrote: … that it does not work? What do you
expect? [/quote] According to the
instructions, "Filter" should appear in the menu
Didier Briel Apr 18, 2015
OmegaT support Possible to add notes? Notes and comments [quote]kreega wrote: But maybe the comments and
Notes should be the same appart from the PO files
? [/quote] In OmegaT, notes and comments have a
different purpose. Notes are written
Didier Briel Apr 17, 2015
Money matters How do you charge for JSON files? You could use Okapi Rainbow [quote]Joanie G wrote: I've received a new
project from a client of mine, but all the files
are in JSON format. While I am able to open them,
I can't extract the values from the code, and
Didier Briel Apr 14, 2015
OmegaT support XML translation: string name display Hover over a tag to display it [quote]Vladimir Zhdanov wrote: And the question
is: is there a way to display tag content (string
name="app_name" part) somewhere in OmegaT
interface, just for reference? [/quote] In the
Didier Briel Apr 13, 2015
OmegaT support XML translation: string name display The OmegaT XLIFF filter displays a list of fixed type of strings [quote]Vladimir Zhdanov wrote: Is there a way to
display name of strings within OmegaT interface
while working on XML file?[/quote] OmegaT has no
generic XML filter. Your sample looks li
Didier Briel Apr 13, 2015
OmegaT support Project Package in OmegaT Various possibilities [quote]H Habraliova wrote: Hello, I have a
project that is half way through in Trados. Is
there a way I could send this project to someone
who's using OmegaT? I assume OmegaT won't op
Didier Briel Apr 8, 2015
OmegaT support OmegaT won't open Remove the configuration folder [quote]Oscar Rivera wrote: As to your first
suggestion, I didn't save anything but uninstalled
all of OmegaT's folders and then installed the
versions above mentioned again.[/quote] From
Didier Briel Apr 7, 2015
OmegaT support OmegaT won't open Continued [quote]Oscar Rivera wrote: I would like to
thank everyone for your answers but I haven't been
able to solve the problem yet. [quote]Didier
Briel wrote: [quote]Oscar Rivera
Didier Briel Apr 6, 2015
OmegaT support OmegaT won't open Delete options or check what happens on the command line [quote]Oscar Rivera wrote: Hello, I was working
on a project when all of a sudden, OmegaT just
shut down. I decided to open it again by clicking
on the icon but OmegaT appeared at the l
Didier Briel Mar 30, 2015
OmegaT support Issue with inflections in glossary and memory It relies on the Hunspell dictionary [quote]nivaca wrote: But there is no tokenizer
for Latin, I'm afraid. [/quote] For languages not
covered by Lucene, the tokenizer is provided by
Hunspell (you have to install the Hunsp
Didier Briel Mar 24, 2015
OmegaT support Download dictionaries... Where? Search for the languages rather than the extension [quote]Piergiorgio Mancini wrote: I would be much
appreciated someone to tell me if there's
something wrong with me in dictionaries research
for the extension, or there's really
Didier Briel Mar 21, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT tool for .Java files No current .java support in OmegaT [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: It seems OmegaT
might support .java (and .properties) files. See
equests/274/ [/quote] This is a reques
Didier Briel Mar 14, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT tool for .Java files This code is not internationalised [quote]esperantisto wrote: Your customer is wrong
in suggesting to translate this kind of file. This
file is a program source code file and MUST NOT be
localized, otherwise the program GU
Didier Briel Mar 14, 2015
OmegaT support Em dashes sometimes show up as tags If it's a tag, it's a tag in the source document If a tag is shown in OmegaT, that's because it's a
tag in the source document (the real document
behind what you see in Word). Didier
Didier Briel Mar 11, 2015
OmegaT support OmegaT automatic glossary insertion - anything new? Short description in the manual [quote]Zsofia Forro wrote: In OmegaT version
3.1.8 I randomly discovered that Ctrl+Space loads
up Glossary entries, Autotext entries, Character
table and Missing tags in a tiny window - y
Didier Briel Feb 22, 2015
OmegaT support Trouble with DocBook Entities [quote]Jan Cerny wrote: One new problem has
arisen, concerning entities: Documentation
Environment including the DTD When I import the
documentation environment including the DTD, the
Didier Briel Feb 13, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Looking for CAT tools that support IDML format OmegaT with the Okapi Filters Plugin OmegaT, with the Okapi Filters Plugin, can
translate IDML
files: http://www.opentag
in_for_OmegaT With Ra
Didier Briel Feb 12, 2015
OmegaT support Trouble with DocBook The OmegaT documentation translation kit is in DocBook [quote]Jan Cerny wrote: In some cases OmegaT
tells me that no files in a supported format are
included in my project.[/quote] That could be the
case if the DocBook header is not what is<
Didier Briel Feb 11, 2015
OmegaT support omega-t memory tmx Most of the times, you have to create your own glossaries [quote]alin33 wrote: Is there places that I can
download already made glossries or I should create
my own glossaries during the translation?
[/quote] Although you can sometimes find exis
Didier Briel Jan 19, 2015
OmegaT support omega-t memory tmx No need to import, just copy glossary files in the folder [quote]alin33 wrote: Hi,I have another question
about the glossary folder,Is there an option in
omega-t to import glossaries into that folder and
where can I find them? [/quote] There's
Didier Briel Jan 19, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Which tool to use for translation of 200 resx files It depends... [quote]David Turner wrote: [quote] You can have
an unlimited number of files in the /source folder
(including in nested folders). No conversion into
an intermediate format occurs, and th
Didier Briel Jan 12, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Which tool to use for translation of 200 resx files No limit on the number of files in OmegaT, and no gluing either [quote]David Turner wrote: All other tools either
only let you work on one file at a time or seem to
involve clumsy "gluing together" of files or
fairly laborious setting up of pseudo vie
Didier Briel Jan 12, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Which tool to use for translation of 200 resx files OmegaT has a ResX filter [quote]Valeriia wrote: I have over 200 .resx
files in hands to translate and was wondering
which tool would you suggest me to use? I know
that Passolo is deemed to be the first option t
Didier Briel Jan 10, 2015
OmegaT support omega-t memory tmx Limited alignement in OmegaT [quote]esperantisto wrote: [quote]Meta Arkadia
wrote: Quite likely OmegaT itself also offers
aligning, but our FOSS friend seem to be
busy.[/quote] No, OmegaT has no built-in
Didier Briel Jan 9, 2015
CAT Tools Technical Help Why translate DOCX in a dedicated CAT tool? OmegaT displays filtered results in the main window [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Not all non-Word CAT
tools offer filtering, though. Some can only
filter by segment status, whereas others can
display the filtered segments only in a separat
Didier Briel Dec 14, 2014
OmegaT support Standard version of OmegaT updated from 2.6.3 to 3.1.8 You are more likely to get help in a support group [quote]Pierret Adrien wrote: Sadly I still have
issues with typing French accents on Debian/Ubuntu
(I can't switch to Chinese either). It's somehow
related to Java but neither the OpenJDK
Didier Briel Dec 6, 2014
French Filtrer des segments dans Okapi Olifant Olifant est gratuit, mais n'est pas un freeware [quote]francois lhuillery wrote: @Adrien:
j'avais bien noté qu'Olifant était un freeware!
[/quote] Comme le dit justement Adrien, Olifant
est un logiciel libre. La licence est la GNU
Didier Briel Nov 24, 2014
OmegaT support "Checking out team project" forever Does a normal checkout work? [quote]Ralph_13 wrote: When I try downloading a
team project from a SVN repository (cloudforge),
first it asks me for my user and password, then it
displays the message "Checking out team
Didier Briel Nov 13, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated Probably a bug [quote]Oscar Rivera wrote: Off the top of my
head, I didn't like something basic like when I
was translating a segment, the symbols "<" and
">" and the word segment could be deleted
Didier Briel Nov 6, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated Also in the Edit menu [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Thanks, I did not
know about that one. I guess I wasn't
right-clicking on an active segment when I
searched for such an option. [/quote] In doubt,
Didier Briel Nov 6, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated There's no that much difference in 2.6 [quote]Oscar Rivera wrote: @Didier, I am running
OmegaT 2.5.5 at the moment. I tried the 2.6 and I
didn't like it so I went back.[/quote] There
doesn't seem to be significant differences
Didier Briel Nov 4, 2014
OmegaT support Wanted:Empty segment to be translated Available since 2.5.0 [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Oscar Rivera
wrote: I was wondering if there is any way I can
have the segment to be translated empty, i.e.
without the original translation. [/quote
Didier Briel Nov 3, 2014
OmegaT support How to open a bilingual Xliff file from Memoq in OmegaT Okapi Filters Plugin for OmegaT [quote]drevetph wrote: I would like to open in
OmegaT a translation saved in Xliff format in
MemoQ (mqxlz). Is there any solution to open in
OmegaT a bilingual file from another Cat
Didier Briel Oct 29, 2014
OmegaT support OmegaT refuses to work A folder selector is for folders [quote]David Jacques wrote: Only a New Project
screen with a list of folders on the chosen hard
disc (D in my case) and choices such as Eigene
Dokumente on the left. Something very wrong<
Didier Briel Oct 23, 2014
OmegaT support How does the "line limit" feature in the TXT filter work? Bug is now fixed [quote]Didier Briel wrote: You have found a bug,
which seems to be triggered by the fact that your
test is only a single line. I will report the
bug.[/quote] The bug is now
fixed: [
Didier Briel Sep 15, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Choosing a CAT tool for translating PDF's and Word documents OmegaT can read PDF files [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Added: Oh, I just
noticed that your subject heading says "Choosing a
CAT tool for translating PDF's and Word
documents". OmegaT can't translate PDF
Didier Briel Sep 12, 2014
OmegaT support How does the "line limit" feature in the TXT filter work? Link to description of the feature is in changes.txt [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: I notice that the
current version of OmegaT (3.1.5) contains a
feature in the TXT filter that limits line length
in the target file. [/quote] It's there sinc
Didier Briel Sep 12, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Translation without CAT tools LF Aligner as an "automatic" aligner [quote]blue_swimmer wrote: 2) TM creation from
monolingual files: i know there are tools that can
align source and target monolingual files and
create a TM from them. From my experience w
Didier Briel Jul 28, 2014
OmegaT support Omega T won't import my source files OmegaT cannot read images [quote]Crod wrote: Hi! I have been using Omega T
for more than a year and I now find the problem of
not being able to open PDF files. I have always
opened them first with Open Office, the
Didier Briel Jul 19, 2014
OmegaT support moving from Trados to OmegaT For HTML, spaces are handled in [quote]Vojtěch Drábek wrote: [quote]Didier
Briel wrote: There is a specific howto to edit
or create a file
r.html and to com
Didier Briel Jul 8, 2014
Software applications Suggest a Term Extraction software OmegaT can connect to TaaS [quote]Danesh wrote: Further, capability of the
term extraction tool to work with OmegaT would be
a fortune.[/quote] Since 3.1.2, OmegaT can
connect to the TaaS
service: https://sou
Didier Briel Jun 30, 2014
OmegaT support moving from Trados to OmegaT Howto on editing/creating a file filter [quote]Vojtěch Drábek wrote: [quote] The
files are HTML, converted from custom format
message files. This (having to convert the files
to HTML and then back) I consider a weak point
Didier Briel Jun 19, 2014
OmegaT support OmegaT can't create final document, HELP please Problem is solved, source files became corrupted [quote]Sophies Words wrote: When I press CTRL+D
to create the final document in OmegaT, I get an
error reading: java1.5 RuntimeException: Invalid
two-pass processing: number of segments
Didier Briel Jun 19, 2014
OmegaT support Is is possible to customize the color ? That's fixed [quote]Didier Briel wrote: [quote]Samuel Murray
wrote: [quote]Didier Briel wrote: You can try
the Moenizer
Didier Briel May 7, 2014
OmegaT support Is is possible to customize the color ? I will check why [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: [quote]Didier Briel
wrote: You can try the Moenizer
/Moenizer/wiki/FrontPage With it, you can change
Didier Briel May 7, 2014
OmegaT support Is is possible to customize the color ? Try the Moenizer plugin [quote]Pierret Adrien wrote: The default colors
(especially the bright background) proposed by the
software can be quite painful to the eye on long
working days, but I haven't found a way
Didier Briel May 7, 2014
OmegaT support OmegaT target files not translated Using .docx avoids conversion [quote]Ellieus wrote: While we're at it: I have a
bunch of odt files everytime and it's rather time
consuming to convert them one by one to doc. Any
suggestions? I've searched the net, bu
Didier Briel May 6, 2014
OmegaT support OmegaT target files not translated Close OmegaT, close the session (if under Windows) and try again [quote]Ellieus wrote: I hope you can help. I've
worked on a omega t project with 25 source files
and when I was done (tags corrected) I created the
target files as usual. This time, howev
Didier Briel May 6, 2014
French Traduire un fichier .ini : quel logiciel OmegaT comporte un filtre .ini [quote]Caroline Le Cavelier wrote: Un client me
demande de traduire un fichier .ini Concrètement
"Chaine en français à traduire sauf le htm
Didier Briel May 1, 2014
OmegaT support Invoicing with OmegaT statistics Words not translated are available in the statistics [quote]Anna Belikova wrote: Thank you for your
reply! As there are some bits of code that will
remain untranslated, is there anyway of getting
more accurate statistics at the end to ensur
Didier Briel Apr 30, 2014

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