Tense when referring to past statistical information.
Inițiatorul discuției: Lydianette Soza
Lydianette Soza
Lydianette Soza
Local time: 12:33
din engleză în spaniolă
+ ...
Apr 1, 2016

Dear colleagues,

I am currently translating a document related to report which covers a statistical study conducted a couple of years ago.

My doubt here is if I should keep the present tense or should I keep it in past tense.

Below an excerpt of the document:

El 58.6% del universo están solteros con ligero predominio en el género masculino. El 77.1% del universo se dedica a estudiar con predominio en las mujeres. 38.5% estudian y trabajan,
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Dear colleagues,

I am currently translating a document related to report which covers a statistical study conducted a couple of years ago.

My doubt here is if I should keep the present tense or should I keep it in past tense.

Below an excerpt of the document:

El 58.6% del universo están solteros con ligero predominio en el género masculino. El 77.1% del universo se dedica a estudiar con predominio en las mujeres. 38.5% estudian y trabajan, predominando esta situación en el género masculino y 2.1% (8) no tienen oficio alguno.

Any suggestion.

Inga Petkelyte
Inga Petkelyte  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:33
din lituaniană în portugheză
+ ...
Translate or update? Apr 4, 2016

If you have been asked to translate, then don't invent and translate as it is in the original. The update and adaptation to the actual reality is up to the client. Unless you have been to translate and edit taking into consideration the date of the original document.

Statele Unite
din germană în engleză
+ ...
I don't think this is something we can really advise you on. Apr 4, 2016

It's up to you, and it depends on the broader context. If the survey was carried out only a couple of years ago, the information probably still holds true and you can use the present tense.


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Tense when referring to past statistical information.

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