French and Spanish lessons, online videos
Inițiatorul discuției: JH Trads
JH Trads
JH Trads  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 14:12
Membru (2007)
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
Sep 6, 2020

Dear all, I regularly upload my videos of French and Spanish lessons. They are freely accessible. They contain plenty of vocabulary, expressions and insights. They include lots of translations into English too. If you enjoy them, you can put some ‘likes’ (thumbs up) and subscribe to my YouTube channel, for free. I provide the link to my channel’s homepage below, as well as two examples of specific video links. Have a wonderful weekend and s... See more
Dear all, I regularly upload my videos of French and Spanish lessons. They are freely accessible. They contain plenty of vocabulary, expressions and insights. They include lots of translations into English too. If you enjoy them, you can put some ‘likes’ (thumbs up) and subscribe to my YouTube channel, for free. I provide the link to my channel’s homepage below, as well as two examples of specific video links. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!

[p.s.: the first 8 videos I recorded have weak sound, but they are audible if you raise the volume]

JH Trads
JH Trads  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 14:12
Membru (2007)
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
Please read the 'Disclaimer' carefully :) Dec 6, 2020

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Ţările de Jos
Local time: 20:12
Membru (2006)
din engleză în afrikaans
+ ...
@JH Dec 6, 2020

JH Trads wrote:
Dear all, I regularly upload my videos of French and Spanish lessons. They are freely accessible.

I'm no expert, but what you can do to improve the sound is to record the audio and video separately (or to extract the audio from the video after you recorded it, and then put it back again), and then use Audacity's simple noise removal feature with the default settings to remove the outside noise from the track. Compare the first ten seconds of your latest video here.

JH Trads
JH Trads  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 14:12
Membru (2007)
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
@Samuel Dec 6, 2020

Many thanks Samuel! I was able to open the file, the contrast is clear, it is encouraging, and I will definitely try to improve the sound quality with separate audio and video files.

JH Trads
JH Trads  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 14:12
Membru (2007)
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
criticism Dec 9, 2020

I have been receiving some harsh criticism about my hair and my voice, but I also got a constructive, albeit low-tech, piece of advice from my family for a clearer voice quality, and I thought I would share it with you:

"Prendre chaque soir avant le coucher, un bouillon chaud de magret de pangolin. Cela te permettra même de chanter plus mélodieusement que d'habitude la Missa Solemnis de Cherubini".


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French and Spanish lessons, online videos

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