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Another Day, Another Breakage on This Website
Inițiatorul discuției: Novian Cahyadi
Novian Cahyadi
Novian Cahyadi  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:27
Membru (2024)
din engleză în indoneziană (bahasa Indonezia)
Jan 17

Screenshot From 2025-01-17 17-00-00

The same thing happened on my Android smartphone.

[Edited at 2025-01-17 10:30 GMT]

Jennifer Levey
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Lieven Malaise
Claire Bourneton-Gerlach
Dan Lucas
Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 09:27
Should be returning to normal now Jan 17

Thanks Novian. Things should be returning to normal now. The issues earlier today with the deliverability of the site were external to itself, but it did take longer than it could have to detect and react, something to work on. Let me know if you happen to notice further problems accessing any part of the site.


Maria Laura Curzi
Novian Cahyadi
Novian Cahyadi  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:27
Membru (2024)
din engleză în indoneziană (bahasa Indonezia)
Looking Good Jan 17

Jared Tabor wrote:
Thanks Novian. Things should be returning to normal now. The issues earlier today with the deliverability of the site were external to itself, but it did take longer than it could have to detect and react, something to work on. Let me know if you happen to notice further problems accessing any part of the site.


Thanks, Jared. The issue seems to have been resolved. 👍

By the way, any updates on the new website?

Maria Laura Curzi
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 13:27
Membru (2020)
din franceză în olandeză
+ ...
Indeed Jan 17

Yes, for a while reloading or just jumping from one page to another was nearly impossible without getting an error screen.

I would like to say that I'm getting used to all the (returning) bugs, but I'm not. I think it's a disgrace that paying members have to continue experiencing this with ultimately very little info about why these things keep on happening and with "a new website" as a carrot on a stick.

I'm sure "soon" (ha!) we'll receive another message that "we are
... See more
Yes, for a while reloading or just jumping from one page to another was nearly impossible without getting an error screen.

I would like to say that I'm getting used to all the (returning) bugs, but I'm not. I think it's a disgrace that paying members have to continue experiencing this with ultimately very little info about why these things keep on happening and with "a new website" as a carrot on a stick.

I'm sure "soon" (ha!) we'll receive another message that "we are working hard... bla bla bla", but the thing is that after all this time I don't think these people are working hard at all, for reasons I can only guess about (lack of competent staff? Lack of money to pay for competent staff or a competent website developer?). Imagine wanting to develop a new or even merely improved website and not having resultats after what? 2 years? This new or improved website thing seems to be a side project of someone with a fulltime week job and 2 additional weekend jobs.

I'm speculating, and that's against the rules, but being paid for a crappy website should also be against the rules.

End of rant.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Klara Tuckova
Maria Laura Curzi
Andrus Lauringson
Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD
Local time: 12:27
Membru (2015)
din engleză în portugheză
+ ...
I'm sorry, Jared... Jan 17

Jared Tabor wrote:

Thanks Novian. Things should be returning to normal now. The issues earlier today with the deliverability of the site were external to itself, but it did take longer than it could have to detect and react, something to work on. Let me know if you happen to notice further problems accessing any part of the site.


Okay, you are saying this was something external to I can understand it.
Also, it's not unusual for websites to have occasional bugs, especially during active development, but it’s uncommon for significant issues to persist over several years without being addressed for good.
IMHO a well-managed website would typically stabilize within a few months after introducing new features or a major redesign.
We've been used to these bugs for over a year now. It would be good to know when the new site is going live.... so that we can all use the site in a pleasant way, without mishaps and without jeopardising our communication, particularly with potential clients and regular ones.
Thank you.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Lieven Malaise
Jorge Payan
Josephine Cassar
Maria Laura Curzi
Michele Fauble
Cecília Alves
Cecília Alves  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:27
Membru (2011)
din engleză în portugheză
+ ...
Oops, I did it again... Jan 20

Just now

Service Unavailable

Maria Laura Curzi
Jennifer Levey
Novian Cahyadi
Novian Cahyadi  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:27
Membru (2024)
din engleză în indoneziană (bahasa Indonezia)
Confirmation Jan 21

Cecília Alves wrote:
Oops, I did it again...

Just now

Can confirm. I experienced the same a few minutes ago, along with an HTTPS error. But they seem to have been resolved now.

Maria Laura Curzi
Cecília Alves
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Ţările de Jos
Membru (2006)
Under attack? Jan 21

Is it possible that is under attack?

The stupid thing is that you cannot post about outages on their backup forum at Face Puke because the posts there are heavily moderated.

Novian Cahyadi
Novian Cahyadi  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:27
Membru (2024)
din engleză în indoneziană (bahasa Indonezia)
DDoS Jan 21

Hans Lenting wrote:
Is it possible that is under attack?

Maybe. Claude AI has been on a rampage scrapping websites and flooding their bandwidth. Effectively causing DDoS attacks.

Klara Tuckova
Novian Cahyadi
Novian Cahyadi  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:27
Membru (2024)
din engleză în indoneziană (bahasa Indonezia)
@Henry Jan 21

Hi Henry,

I see that you've decided to drop by. May we get some clarification, so we're not making wild assumptions about the state of this website?


Gjorgji Apostolovski
Gjorgji Apostolovski  Identity Verified
Macedonia (FYROM)
Local time: 13:27
din engleză în macedoneană
+ ...
503 Jan 21

3 out of 5 times I get 503 error. I don't know what's happening, but it's happening more often.

Cecília Alves
Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:27
Membru (2002)
din engleză în rusă
+ ...

The problem persists Jan 21

Several hours after the previous post, the problem still persists.

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:27
Membru (2009)
din engleză în germană
+ ...
notification system broken too? Jan 21

Gjorgji Apostolovski wrote:

3 out of 5 times I get 503 error. I don't know what's happening, but it's happening more often.

Same here. Notifications do not seem to work either.

Gjorgji Apostolovski
Novian Cahyadi
Novian Cahyadi  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:27
Membru (2024)
din engleză în indoneziană (bahasa Indonezia)
Notifications Jan 21

Zea_Mays wrote:
Notifications do not seem to work either.

Hmm, I got email notifications for new posts made in this thread. But job notifications have been dead for a while on my end.

The training section threw me a DNS lookup failure. What's even happening anymore?

Screenshot From 2025-01-21 23-17-37

[Edited at 2025-01-21 16:24 GMT]

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Regatul Unit
Local time: 12:27
din olandeză în engleză
+ ...
On a side-note, I had a brief look at the new test site Proz is working on and it looks horrendous! Jan 21

I had this problem many times today too, and now keep getting logged out when I try to comment in the KudoZ area.

On a side-note, I had a brief look at the new test site Proz is working on and it looks horrendous. Please, for the love of god, don't make it any worse than it already is. It doesn't have to look snazzy, it just needs to be functional. I use Proz to find work, ask terminology questions, and occasionally chat in the forums, I don't give a damn what the site looks
... See more
I had this problem many times today too, and now keep getting logged out when I try to comment in the KudoZ area.

On a side-note, I had a brief look at the new test site Proz is working on and it looks horrendous. Please, for the love of god, don't make it any worse than it already is. It doesn't have to look snazzy, it just needs to be functional. I use Proz to find work, ask terminology questions, and occasionally chat in the forums, I don't give a damn what the site looks like, and neither do companies looking for translators, IYAM. In the new site, there was tons of wasted space, and it was just a mess. I much prefer the more old-school website we currently have. I actually preferred the even older version, as it was visually clearer. I don't want giant, colourful buttons: I want clear text and boring colurs. If you ask me, visually, everything went downhill fast after bought TM-Town and took on their developer (sorry, Kevin!).

[Edited at 2025-01-21 16:22 GMT]

Just now:

If I go to this page, and try to log in: (I can't log in)

I CAN log in from this page:

but if I then click on this page: I get automatically logged out again!

also, this only happens in Chrome. Firefox still works

[Edited at 2025-01-21 16:28 GMT]

Michele Fauble
Ma. Alejandra Padilla - LaCour
Maria Laura Curzi
Klara Tuckova
Laura Kingdon
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Another Day, Another Breakage on This Website

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