Barcelona Conference 2009 - General Discussion
Inițiatorul discuției: Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:12
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
Mar 17, 2009

Hi all!

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of any issues relating to the Spain Regional Conference 2009 in Barcelona not covered by the Accommodation and Travel threads.


TashTrans (X)
TashTrans (X)
Statele Unite
Local time: 13:12
Registration Apr 16, 2009


I wanted to look up the information about registration, but I cannot access it. Can you assist in this? Thank you.

Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:12
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
Re: Registration Apr 16, 2009

Dear TashTrans,

Thank you for your post and your interest in the Barcelona Conference!
I'm not sure I understand correctly your question - you mean you cannot register to the conference?

Kind regards,
Anne Diamantidis

Caroline Clarke
Caroline Clarke
Local time: 19:12
din spaniolă în engleză
+ ...
how much does it cost? Jul 14, 2009

Hello, I clicked on the "Register now pay later" link because I live in Barcelona and want to come to the conference, but I don't know actually how much it costs and can't find the info anywhere. Can someone tell me please?


Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:12
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
Prices not yet ready Jul 14, 2009

Dear Caroline,

Thank you for your posting and your interest in the Conference in Barcelona!

The conference fees are not ready yet - we always aim at having the best deals and costs to keep the fees as low as possible.

As stated on the event page ("El programa y los precios de esta conferencia se publicarán proximamente. No dudéis en apuntaros a la «mailing list» para que os mantengamos informados."), by signing-up for the event mailing-list yo
... See more
Dear Caroline,

Thank you for your posting and your interest in the Conference in Barcelona!

The conference fees are not ready yet - we always aim at having the best deals and costs to keep the fees as low as possible.

As stated on the event page ("El programa y los precios de esta conferencia se publicarán proximamente. No dudéis en apuntaros a la «mailing list» para que os mantengamos informados."), by signing-up for the event mailing-list you'll be informed as soon as the prices are announced - but if you registered to the conference then you're already in the mailing-list.

Let me know if you need anything else,

Kind regards,
Anne Diamantidis Site Staff

Jonathan Norris
Jonathan Norris  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:12
Membru (2009)
din spaniolă în engleză
+ ...
La Traduccion Automatica Jul 23, 2009

Does someone know where I can learn more about "la traduccion automatica?" Is this dealing with CAT-tool aided translation per se, or is there another nuance to the term "automatica?" If you have any information regarding this subject, please share!!!


Patricia de Gispert
Patricia de Gispert  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:12
din engleză în spaniolă
+ ...
La Traducción Automática Aug 20, 2009

Dear Jonathan,

La traducción automática means Mechanical translation, so it's not really talking about cat tools (though in the conference we will be dealing about some of them), but really about the software on the internet that mechanically translate texts from one language to another.

I hope I have helped!



Jonathan Norris
Jonathan Norris  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:12
Membru (2009)
din spaniolă în engleză
+ ...
re: traduccion automatica Aug 25, 2009


Thanks, that does help. What are a couple of sites in particular I could see for an example?



keelin feeney
keelin feeney  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:12
Membru (2007)
din spaniolă în engleză
+ ...
Early Bird Aug 27, 2009


I was wondering when the cut-off point is for the Early Bird ticket? If the information is on the site, it passed my by.



Anne Diamantidis
Anne Diamantidis  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:12
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
Deadlines Aug 27, 2009

Dear Keelin,

Thank you very much for your interest in the Barcelona Conference 2009!
The deadlines for different pricing go as follows:

Early-bird until September 20th
Regular until October 6th
Last- minute from October 7th to 14th (registration closing date)

Sandra Alboum
Sandra Alboum  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 14:12
Membru (2003)
din spaniolă în engleză
+ ...
Where can I see the actual program for this conference? Sep 28, 2010

I'm considering attending, but I'd love to see the program first.


Sandra Alboum
Sandra Alboum  Identity Verified
Statele Unite
Local time: 14:12
Membru (2003)
din spaniolă în engleză
+ ...
Never mind - I found it Sep 28, 2010



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Barcelona Conference 2009 - General Discussion

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