Show XLIFF context data in MemoQ
Inițiatorul discuției: Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Ţările de Jos
Local time: 13:42
Membru (2006)
din engleză în afrikaans
+ ...
Feb 25

Hello everyone

I have a generic XLIFF file with some programmers' context for some segments. In the screenshot below, the black text is the translatable, but I want the blue text to be visible *somewhere* during translation -- either automatically or on-demand, e.g. when right-clicking somewhere.


Is it relatively simple in MemoQ to accomplish that?

(The source file is the XLIFF file, so I have full control over how to tag it.)


Felix Sherrington-Kendall
Felix Sherrington-Kendall  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
din germană în engleză
Multilingual XML filter Feb 25

Not sure if this would be possible with the standard XML filter, as you cannot target the specific node you want as a reference, but maybe you could use the multilingual XML filter to achieve what you need. Just as an example, you could set up an import rule set with the following:

Content XPath: /xliff/file/body/trans-unit/source
Context (ID) XPath for content: /xliff/file/body/trans-unit/@id
Comment XPath for content: /xliff/file/body/trans-unit/context-group/context/t
... See more
Not sure if this would be possible with the standard XML filter, as you cannot target the specific node you want as a reference, but maybe you could use the multilingual XML filter to achieve what you need. Just as an example, you could set up an import rule set with the following:

Content XPath: /xliff/file/body/trans-unit/source
Context (ID) XPath for content: /xliff/file/body/trans-unit/@id
Comment XPath for content: /xliff/file/body/trans-unit/context-group/context/text()

That would import the translatable content and add the blue text as a comment to each segment (visible by double-clicking the yellow speech bubbles, or directly in the preview pane by switching to the Active comments tab, for example). You could of course add a cascading filter for tagging the variables etc.

Tomasz Sienicki
Tomasz Sienicki  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
Membru (2007)
din daneză în poloneză
+ ...
Vote for the feature Feb 25

The feature is not available in memoQ at this point, but it's been on the official wishlist since 2022. You can vote for it here: XLIFF Preview - HTML preview pane.

Mario Chávez
Mario Chávez
Mario Chávez
Statele Unite
Local time: 07:42
Membru (2024)
din engleză în spaniolă
+ ...
I'd use the Enable preview for translations in memoQ Feb 25

Off the top of my head, I'd use the Enable preview for translations setting (right click on the file in Project Home/Translations).

I am not sure if you'll see the blue text as blue, though.



Samuel Murray wrote:

Hello everyone

I have a generic XLIFF file with some programmers' context for some segments. In the screenshot below, the black text is the translatable, but I want the blue text to be visible *somewhere* during translation -- either automatically or on-demand, e.g. when right-clicking somewhere.


Is it relatively simple in MemoQ to accomplish that?

(The source file is the XLIFF file, so I have full control over how to tag it.)



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Show XLIFF context data in MemoQ

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