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Permanent job offer to work as Japanese software tester

Publicat la: Jan 17, 2025 14:18 GMT   (GMT: Jan 17, 2025 14:18)
Aprobare şi trimitere notificări la: Jan 17, 2025 18:54 GMT

Job type: Lucrare de traducere/editare/corectare
Services required: Translation, Sworn/Certified Translation
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Limbi: din engleză în japoneză, din japoneză în engleză

Descriere lucrare:
Candidate should be:

1. Be a native or near native with reading and comprehension skills of the Japanese language
2. Have the knowledge of relevance of Culturalization in software testing
3. Be an experienced Software Functional tester (preferably 5+ years exp) with manual testing experience.
4. Have the ability to communicate in English verbally and in written
5. Have strong knowledge of Japanese text composition & layout features for publishing workflows, Japanese typography and fonts
6. Have the ability to learn and adapt to operational tools
7. Have an inquiring mindset with attention to details
8. Having working knowledge of Adobe products like InDesign & Illustrator would be added advantage.

Following testing requirements would be added advantages:

1. Knowledge of software testing methodologies and terminology
2. Ability to understand the feature description for a new feature or enhancement of existing feature
3. Test plan creation based on provided criterion covering the Japanese impact
4. Test case creation and management
5. Scoping out the G11N (Globalization) and L10N (Localization) testing requirements
6. Reporting, tracking defects as per guidelines
7. Test execution planning to meet strict and constrained deadlines
8. Status reporting as per requirements
9. Creating quality metric reports for review
10. Expectation is NOT to find linguistic issues as primary focus area

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Payment terms: 30 zile de la data facturării.
Poster country: India

Condiţii restrictive pentru furnizorii de servicii (specificate de autorul anunţului):
Statutul de membru Utilizatorii neplătitori pot trimite oferte după 12 ore
info Tehnică/Inginerie
info Domenii specifice obligatorii: Computers: Software, IT (Information Technology)
info Limba maternă obligatorie: japoneză
Subiect: IT (Tehnologia informaţiei)
info Software preferat: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Termen trimitere oferte: Feb 27, 2025 18:30 GMT
Termen de predare: Mar 30, 2025 18:30 GMT
Despre contractor:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Director, Quality Engineering

Oferte primite: 6
din japoneză în engleză:3
din engleză în japoneză:3