Job closed
This job was closed at Apr 18, 2024 15:30 GMT.

Language Specialist - Catalan Speakers in Spain, Remote

Publicat la: Apr 18, 2024 07:36 GMT   (GMT: Apr 18, 2024 07:36)
Aprobare şi trimitere notificări la: Apr 18, 2024 13:33 GMT

Job type: Lucrare de traducere/editare/corectare
Service required: Checking/editing

Limbi: catalană

Descriere lucrare:
Why US

We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more.

Learn more at [HIDDEN]

Job description


TELUS International is looking for language specialists for a sensitive content annotation project. Please find the details of this opportunity in the following.

Task description: as our language specialist, you will be responsible for,

-Review and categorization of a list of words according to specific guidelines for sensitive content areas (list is text-only; no video/audio/images)*
-Evaluating existing list of terms and conducting research to identify and fill gaps in coverage for sensitive content areas (existing list is text-only; however, research may involve incidental exposure to sources containing both text and image/video/audio)*

NOTE: TELUS International offers a Wellness program (more details below) for project participants due to the sensitive nature of the content involved. This content touches upon sensitive topics such as violence, explicit content, abuse, or minor safety.

Estimated start date: Immediately, this is an ongoing project.

Estimated workload: 10-20 hours per week. Please be aware that, due to the dynamic nature of this project, some tasks are assigned on a first-available, first-assigned basis, and there may be fluctuation in weekly hours and overall duration depending on language, volume, and client priorities.

Project duration: 4-8 weeks, with possibility of extension.


-18 USD per hour
-Payments are made upon completion of the project through Hyperwallet via TELUS International AI Community Portal.


-Native or near-native speaker of Catalan language
-Over 18 years old.
-Bachelor’s or higher degree with a major in a language-related discipline, such as linguistics, content creation, language teaching, translation, editing, writing, etc.
-Professional proofreading, translation, or editorial skills.
-Background in research and other social sciences (sociology, psychology, political science, or history) is a plus.

Assessment: the following project-specific consent and tests will be administered as part of the application process:

-Accept the TELUS International Consent for Processing Sensitive Content
-Catalan Language Test
-Qualification Test (in English)

Apply here:

Poster country: Filipine

Condiţii restrictive pentru furnizorii de servicii (specificate de autorul anunţului):
Statutul de membru Utilizatorii neplătitori pot trimite oferte după 12 ore
Subiect: IT (Tehnologia informaţiei)
info Locaţia obligatorie a ofertantului: Spania
Termen trimitere oferte: Apr 18, 2024 15:30 GMT
Termen de predare: Apr 30, 2024 15:30 GMT
Despre contractor:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Oferte primite: 1 (Job closed)