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Comparing memoQ and LogiTerm Pro

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name memoQ LogiTerm Pro
Review breakdown
(41 reviews)
(2 reviews)
Most helpful review
memoQ is fantastic, an intuitive tool that solves problems!
I have been using CAT tools for about 10 years and have used Wordfast, Trados 2007, Studio 2009, SDLX, Mneme, Deja Vu and Across. memoQ surpasses them all, from the installation which is automatic, to updates, to technical support to its webinars and resource center to its great features (LiveDocs!) and ease of use in general. I recommend my colleagues to download a memoQ trial version and I am sure they will fall for it. Haydée Incicco (two2tango)
47 out of 63 found this review helpful.

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Very powerful, flexible and user-friendly
Logiterm is not a translation memory software in the strict sense insofar as it doesn’t memorize segments as you translate them. However, it is a very powerful and intuitive tool for leveraging past translations, documentation, glossaries, etc. PROS - The most accurate alignment engine out there. - The most flexible and effective tool for accessing past translations that I have tried. You can add the most relevant and/or reliable previous translations and glossaries to the TM you use to pretranslate a doc but still access your entire corpus of past translations, related documents and glossaries in another window when editing and confirming the translation. You can search your entire corpus or specific parts of it, search full text or translation pairs, use search parameters, etc. - Very easy to learn and easy to work with, especially when translating in Word. For Word, Logiterm installs a toolbar instead of forcing you to work in another environment. Past translation pairs with highlighted differences appear in a pop-up window for editing and are then entered directly in the Word document. I find it a much more natural and flexible way to translate than working in a TEnT. You can use the Logiterm pop-up window where you want, switch back to translating directly in Word where it makes more sense, continue accessing Logiterm’s search functions whenever you want. There are no formatting glitches caused by exporting the finished translation from the TEnT back to Word (except that inline codes must be added manually in Word). At the same time, Logiterm doesn’t have the severe limitations of the Wordfast Word add-on. - The almost-free Logiterm toolbar makes it easy to share output with collaborators who don’t own Logiterm and lets them use and edit pretranslation results as effectively as owners of the software. - Tech support is fast and helpful. CONS - Not nearly as good as MemoQ or other conventional TMs for translating a document with many internal repetitions but no similarity to past translations. Logiterm will identify 100% matches within a document and propagate your translation throughout the file but it can’t find internal fuzzy matches within a document. - No QA function. If you want QA, you have to use a separate error-checking software. I use Verifika and in a way I don’t mind, since I find Verifika is much better than the built-in error checkers in other CAT tools anyway, but it is definitely a more cumbersome process. - Terminotix is very slow to fix bugs. For example, Logiterm doesn’t process end-of-segment punctuation, just leaves it as is. So if a segment ends with a space followed by a colon or semi-colon, there is no way to remove the space in Logiterm. If a segment ends with a bracket, Logiterm leaves it there, even if you have moved the parentheses to inside the segment. You have to edit out unwanted end-of-segment punctuation in Word. This is not a huge problem since you have the Word screen in front of you as you translate in the Logiterm pop-up window, but Terminotix has known about this bug for years and definitely should have addressed it by now. BOTTOM LINE I have been using Logiterm as my main CAT tool for about 10 years and, despite some irritants, I still find it to be the smoothest CAT software to work with. After trying others periodically, I keep coming back to Logiterm because of its flexibility and ease of use. UPDATE Since I wrote this review, a new Logiterm release has fixed the bugs and added the ability to find and process fuzzy matches within a document. So, at this point, the only situation in which I would still prefer memoQ to Logiterm is a large project with many internal repetitions that has to be divided among several translators. Logiterm has nothing comparable to the capabilities of memoQ's server edition. But for any one-man job, I think Logiterm is the cleaner solution now.
7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

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Product description

memoQ translator pro: created by translators for translators!

memoQ translator pro is a computer-assisted translation tool which runs on Microsoft Windows and on Mac using Parallels or VMWareFusion. It was envisioned more than 12 years ago by a group of enthusiastic linguists who aimed to develop innovative translation software which increases translator's productivity while being easy to learn and use.

Translation memory

memoQ features a state of the art translation memory which stores your translations and helps you reuse them. The translation memory boosts productivity and consistency throughout your project. With a translation memory in place you will never need to translate the same thing twice.

Term base

memoQ posses an advanced term base for handling terminology. With it, you can extract terms from files and translation memories, import your existing glossaries, combine bilingual glossaries into multilingual ones, or easily add new terminology as you translate.

The Muse

Muses offer automatic suggestions for target terms as you type. Muses are “trained” by analyzing content that is available from your translation memories and LiveDocs corpora. The more content available, the more precise and personalized the suggestions will be.


LiveDocs is the best example of features in memoQ that speed up work. It is an alternative to translation memories which keeps your translation content structured and organized. It allows for the reuse of previous material based on the entire corpus rather than segments. This is the technology that makes memoQ, the CAT tool of choice for thousands of translators around the world.

Popular features

  • HTML Live preview
  • Customizable filters
  • Customizable shortcuts
  • Global Find and Replace
  • Filtering and sorting
  • Real-time spell-checking
  • Automatic saving
  • Multiple-level undo and redo
  • AutoCorrect

Supported languages and file formats & compatibility with other tools

memoQ translator pro supports a wide range of languages and file formats (HTML, Adobe FrameMaker™, Adobe InDesign™, XLIFF, XML, SVG, Typo3, Multilingual Excel files, software localization formats like PO, YAML, JSON, RESX) and is compatible with most other translation tools (SDL Trados, STAR Transit, SDL Worldserver and Wordfast). With memoQ you can easily import and export file formats from other CAT tools.

24 HS support

Kilgray Translation Technologies offers online support nonstop Mondays through Fridays. Support is also available on Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Central European time) and even on Sundays for critical cases.

Integration with Language Terminal

Language Terminal is a free project management tool freelance translators can use to manage their translation work.

Learning resources

You can download memoQ here

Price € 620 / USD 770 $795
File formats All possible file formats you could run into (80+), please see the full list.
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License type Perpetual Perpetual
Operating system Windows Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
System requirements See detailed system requirements here. 1-GHz processor; 512 MB of RAM; 200 MB of available disk space
Compatibility Supports open standard file formats XLIFF, TMX, TBX & OLIF and interoperability with Transit, Wordfast and SDL Trados
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Support and upgrades offered/included 1 year of free support and upgrades, Installation support 1 year of free support and upgrades
Support and tutorial links [email protected]
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Free trial You can download a free 45-day trial of memoQ translator pro here
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Languages supported Practically all languages, user interface in 10 languages - Please see the full list
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