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KudoZ (324 results)

  Field Term Asked by
Afaceri/Comerţ (general) (Altele) Ethics and Business standards Statement (2) KathyAnna O
Finanţe (general) (Afaceri/Financiar) Civilian leave and earnings statement (2) Jahny
Automobile/Maşini şi camioane (Tehnică/Inginerie) blanket statement of conformance (1)
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) witness statement (1) Maja Źróbecka, MITI
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) statement of truth (4) Maja Źróbecka, MITI
Afaceri/Comerţ (general) (Afaceri/Financiar) A/R statement (1) Katarzyna Landsberg-Polubok
Construcţii/Inginerie civilă (Tehnică/Inginerie) method statement (1) Witold Wiechowski
Afaceri/Comerţ (general) (Afaceri/Financiar) Business Conduct Statement (1) kgas
Juridic (general) (Artă/Literatură) statement (2) allp
Contabilitate (Afaceri/Financiar) Statement of comprehensive income (3) brabatka (X)
Finanţe (general) (Altele) fee statement vs. unit fee (1) Kasiunia
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) submit victim impact statement (1) Erna E.
Juridic: Contract(e) (Altele) mission statement (1) Olga Slattery
Juridic: Contract(e) (Legislaţie/Brevete) documents from commercial register (statement of privileges and pledges...) (2) Agnieshka
Economie (Altele) balance statement (3) aimless
Contabilitate (Afaceri/Financiar) statement of income and retained earnings (2) Pawel Bartoszewicz
Resurse umane (Altele) Statement of Principal Terms and Conditions (2) Katarzyna Landsberg-Polubok
Contabilitate (Afaceri/Financiar) previously revalued through the income statement (2) Maciej Andrzejczak
Afaceri/Comerţ (general) (Afaceri/Financiar) long running supplier statement (1) Katarzyna Landsberg-Polubok
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) formal statement (2) Slawek-71
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) sworn statement/ affidavit (1) Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) statement of the case (2) Katarzyna Kwiecinska
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) reply witness statement (1) Katarzyna Kwiecinska
Juridic: Contract(e) (Legislaţie/Brevete) ordinary accounting (statement) (1) makawa
Juridic: Contract(e) (Legislaţie/Brevete) statement of apportionment (1) Irena Chodorowska
Producţie (Afaceri/Financiar) Company's value statement: Listen, Design, Engineer, Deliver (3) magry
Contabilitate (Altele) Income statement charge (2) brabatka (X)
Marketing/Cercetare de piaţă (Marketing) concept statement (1) Piotr Turski
Educaţie/Pedagogie (Ştiinţe Sociale) Statement of Application Record (1) Miza
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) statement of fact (4) bartek
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) Statement of Facts vs Statement in Mitigation (1) Anna Jackson
Juridic: Contract(e) (Legislaţie/Brevete) signature statement (2)
Asigurări (Afaceri/Financiar) Foreign Statement (2) Black Mamba
Contabilitate (Afaceri/Financiar) Statement of Accounting Policies (1) Dorota Bartnikowska
Contabilitate (Afaceri/Financiar) released into the income statement upon disposal (1) annie_t
Finanţe (general) (Afaceri/Financiar) consolidated rent account statement (1) K S (X)
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) defence statement (3) motyl
Asigurări (Afaceri/Financiar) balance due statement (3) edja1
Minerit şi minerale/Pietre prețioase (Tehnică/Inginerie) Reserve Statement (1) Sławomir Duda-Klimaszewski
Finanţe (general) (Afaceri/Financiar) disclosure statement (2) Korkosz
Alimente şi lactate (Marketing) age statement (3) Beju
Contabilitate (Afaceri/Financiar) financial statement accounting treatment (3) Grzegorz Mysiński
Publicitate/Relaţii cu publicul (Afaceri/Financiar) Holding statement (1)
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) statement of claim (1) KathyAnna O
Juridic (general) (Legislaţie/Brevete) Statement on the merits (2) Swift Translation
Juridic: Contract(e) (Altele) exclusion statement (1) Magda K
Juridic: Contract(e) (Tehnică/Inginerie) against presentation of Statement (1) uwagapat
Juridic: Contract(e) (Legislaţie/Brevete) principal statement of terms and conditions of service (1)
Economie (Afaceri/Financiar) Statement of Industry Trends (2) piotrek123
Imobiliare (Ştiinţe Sociale) resident involvement statement (1) K S (X)
324 results found. Showing results 101 - 150
Note: The number of suggested translations is shown in parentheses next to the term