Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 28 ron>eng termen (al recidivei post-condamnatorii) the initial window of time (of post-conviction re-offending) pro open no
- May 27 ron>eng punerea în libertate a inculpatului de sub puterea release of the accused / defendant from custody pro open no
- May 26 ron>eng neluat sub strajă taken into custody pro open no
4 May 23 ron>eng comisă în concurs real cu committed in a combination of multiple offenc/ses with pro closed ok
- May 21 ron>eng ar răpi un grad de jurisdicție would rob them of one jurisdictional tier pro closed ok
4 Jan 29 ron>eng a introduce în țară fără drept to import unlawfully / illegally (goods unauthoris/zed) into the country pro closed no
- Sep 1 '10 ron>eng Neprejudecarea fondului is not to prejudge the substantive or ultimate trial issue pro just_closed no
- Dec 5 '23 ron>eng primul termen first return date (divorce proceedings) pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '23 ron>eng revine la audierea martorilor lipsă does forego (waive) examination of witnesses in absentia pro just_closed no
4 Oct 30 '23 ron>eng martor din lucrări trial witness pro closed ok
4 Oct 22 '23 ron>eng d.inst. court file pro closed ok
4 Oct 22 '23 ron>eng proces-verbal de conducere în teren report on the crime re-enactment pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '23 ron>eng darea în consemn an entry made on record pro just_closed no
4 May 10 '23 ron>eng revocarea beneficiului grațierii withdraw entitlement to a pardon pro closed no
- Apr 19 '23 ron>eng Ordonanță de recunoaștere în calitate de parte vătămată Order for joinder as an injured party (claiming damages privately as a third-party in a crim. case) pro just_closed no
- Apr 13 '23 ron>eng Gaj, garantie, fidejusiune - diferenta dintre termeni charge / pledge, guarantee, suretyship pro just_closed no
- Dec 29 '22 ron>eng învestită entitled to claim (jurisdictionally the proper claimant) pro just_closed no
4 Sep 12 '22 ron>eng pronunțarea asupra dezbaterilor ruling adjudicating on the proceedings pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '22 ron>eng închisoare cu executare custodial sentence to be served pro closed ok
- Jul 24 '22 ron>eng în ordinea contenciosului administrativ as a matter of administrative review pro closed no
- May 8 '22 ron>eng a avut reprezentarea had formed / been under/ the impression pro just_closed no
- Apr 21 '22 ron>eng termen de fond substantive hearing pro open no
3 Apr 13 '22 ron>eng Arată se obligă să depună MAKES OATH & WILL SAY (that) he undertakes to file (hereafter) pro closed ok
4 Mar 2 '22 ron>eng judecare în fond judg(e)ment on the merits > on the substantive, trial issue pro closed ok
4 Jan 28 '22 ron>eng CONFORM SENT. COM. NR. XXXXXX SI INCH. JUD. DIN YY/YY/YYYY pursuant to commercial judg(e)ment no. xxx and court order of the YY/YY/YYYY easy closed ok
- Jan 7 '22 ron>eng pedepse componente constituent (linked) offence pro just_closed no
- Jan 7 '22 ron>eng săvârșită în concurs real serially linked (in a nexus of) mulitple offences pro just_closed no
4 Dec 28 '21 ron>eng fără cauză for no (good and valuable) consideration pro closed ok
- Dec 28 '21 ron>eng sunt înscrieri la nivel de încăperi izolate are registered as areas with a separate title pro just_closed no
- Dec 22 '21 ron>eng prestație tabulară bring an action for a (land-)registered entry pro open no
4 Aug 29 '21 ron>eng ultraj insulting or abusing a public officer pro closed no
- Jul 31 '21 ron>eng judecător de supraveghere a privării de libertate Custody Supervisory Judge; Judge supervising the serving of a custodial sentence pro just_closed no
1 Jul 27 '21 ron>eng COMUNICARE HOTĂRÂRE CAMERĂ CONSILIU CIVILĂ Notice of decision made / adjudication / in Civil Divisional Chambers pro closed ok
- May 27 '21 ron>eng având posibilitatea de împuternicire having the option of granting authority > being entitled to grant a P of A pro just_closed no
4 Apr 28 '21 ron>eng acte și fapte Trade Reg. : dealings and events pro closed ok
4 Mar 31 '21 ron>eng a înscrie în rol entry on the Land Register pro closed ok
4 Mar 28 '21 ron>eng bun comun si bun propriu joint asset and personal asset; jointly owned and separately owned, personal asset pro closed ok
- Mar 20 '21 ron>eng societate cu personalitate de drept natural an informal partnership pro open no
4 Mar 14 '21 ron>eng teren folosință leasehold land pro closed ok
4 Feb 11 '21 ron>eng masa impozabilă taxable estate; UK etc. company's pool of > taxable assets pro closed ok
4 Feb 2 '21 ron>eng ultimele mențiuni datează din the last annotated entries date back to... pro closed ok
4 Jan 25 '21 ron>eng cerere de aderare la apel AmE: motion BrE / Oz: application to join / in /an appeal pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '21 ron>eng cerere de revendicare a bunului in materialitatea lui insolvency: substantial-asset tracing application pro open no
- Nov 2 '20 ron>eng să formuleze și să susțină apărările for to frame > raise and for to contend > maintain / all manner of / defences pro closed ok
4 Oct 27 '20 ron>eng motivele chemarii in judecata the grounds prayed in aid > cited in support > of a divorce petition pro closed ok
4 Oct 27 '20 ron>eng Foaie penala US Am. 'rap sheet'; UK 'collated' list of arrests & convictions pro closed ok
4 Oct 22 '20 ron>eng taxe cu orice titlu taxes on any account / any duties whatsoever and howsoever / pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '20 ron>eng concursul fortei coercitive a statului with the aid of the coercive force of the state (backed by judicial enforcement) pro open no
- Jan 17 '20 ron>eng instanța de contencios administrativ și fiscal Administrative and Tax Tribunal (for Contentious Business) pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '19 ron>eng imputernicire de reprezentare directa direct (limited) authority to act as (tax) agent pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered