Glossary entry

română term or phrase:

a dematerializa

engleză translation:

to dematerialize

Added to glossary by nelly matthews
Jan 12, 2009 08:05
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
română term

a dematerializa

din română în engleză Legislaţie/Brevete Juridic (general) contracts
a dematerializa - in limba engleza?
Proposed translations (engleză)
3 +2 to dematerialize
Change log

Jan 26, 2009 06:42: nelly matthews Created KOG entry


nelly matthews Jan 12, 2009:
Could you please give some context? It would be easier to answer depending on the context

Proposed translations

1 oră

to dematerialize

dematerialize or dematerialise verb, tr & intr to become or make someone or something become invisible; to vanish; to cease to exist. dematerialization noun.
Peer comment(s):

4 ore
agree Tatiana Durimanova : the synonym to it provided by Webster is "to deprive of or lose material character"
7 ore
disagree angitatu : disembody
13 ore
agree Adrian MM. (X) : if transferable securities = convert into electronic form as a 'book-entry',
1 zi 10 ore
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
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