Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 69 results
Глоссарий государственного управления финансами
Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) |
Настоящий Глоссарий призван предоставить практикующим специалистам в области управления государственными финансами (PFM) в регионе PEMPAL глоссарий и объяснение ключевых терминов и концепций. Целью является создание условий для согласованного подхода при использовании терминологии, а также, чтобы обеспечить достоверный перевод терминологии. Глосса... View more
IT Glossary, a trusted guide to exploring technology terms and definitions
PC mag encyclopedia of IT terms
PC mag - Ziff Davis |
Encyclopedia of IT Terms
EMN Asylum and Migration Glossary – Arabic version
European Migration Network (EMN) |
Arabic version of the glossary compiled by the EMN National Contact Point in Italy on the basis of the English original version from 2012. English can be downloaded from
Panlatin Biofuel Glossary
© Panlatin Terminology Network (Realiter) 2014 |
Biofuels have become a very timely topic owing to dwindling fossil fuel energy sources, volatile oil prices, and the ecological footprint of traditional energy sources. The Panlatin Terminology Network (Realiter) is therefore pleased to present the Panlatin Biofuel Glossary. This glossary was prepared by Realiter in conjunction with the Government ... View more
EuroTermBank Terminology Search
Tilde, EuroTermBank Consortium |
101 local resources, 4 externally linked databases, 2.3M terms, 625 345 entries, 200 000 definitions, 27 languages The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the... View more
EMN's Glossary of terms relating to Asylum and Migration
European Migration Network (EMN) |
The purpose of the EMN's Glossary of terms relating to Asylum and Migration terms is inter alia to improve comparability between EU Member States through the use and common understanding of the terms and definitions contained therein. The glossary shall also be used to develop further the EMN Thesaurus, the purpose of which is to permit the structu... View more
Travel Jargon is a trading name of TIN (Travel Intelligence Network) |
A - Z of terminology, acronyms, and expressions for business or leisure travel, airlines, hotels, car hire, conference and meetings, rail, cruising and tourism. Compiled and continually up-dated by the travel community, is free to use and places all the words and phrases you need at your fingertips. is a dedicated,... View more
medical terms
MedicineNet, Inc |
About Us MedicineNet, Inc. - Owned and Operated by WebMD and part of the WebMD Network is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site. Since 1996, has had a highly accom... View more EXAMPLES-TECHNICAL TERMS of robotics (ISBN 3000215891): Woerterbuch-Fachbegriffe aus der Robotertechnik -- technical terms / words of robotics Ablegeposition {Robotertechnik} deposit position absetzen {Robotertechnik} set down, to Absolutbewegung {Robotertechnik} absolute motion Abso... View more
quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K. |
Erklärungen und Begriffe aus dem Lexikon (Glossar). Das Schlagwortverzeichnis unserer Datenbank bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Liste von Schlüsselwörtern (Keywords).537 Seiten im Lexikon.
Glossary of terms of Administrative Excellence
United Nations Public Administration Network |
One of a few glossaries published by this group. Provides links to other sites of interest as well.
JAVA Glossary _ English Mono
Sun Developer Network |
Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform.
Glossary of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Terms
CommandoWare, LLC. |
Glossary of terms used in relation to website submission, ranking software and domain name whois monitoring.
HIV/AIDS Glossary
Ethnoracial Treatment Support Network (ETSN) |
HIV treatment information glossary
Terminología del análisis lítico en Arqueología
Dra. Giovanna Winchkler |
The archaeological object is an observable one, which the archaeologist had to learn how to observe. This observation requires an adequate and precise knowledge of those terms and expressions that constitute such object. I consider in this research that the knowledge of the science is built through the language and the particular ways in which i... View more
VCN (Video, Compression, Networking) Glossary
Berkeley Multimedia Research Center |
This is a collection of often used and misused technical terms regarding video, compression and networking.
Scots Terms
The Scottish Archive Network Ltd |
Scots terms
Microfinance Glossary - قائمة مصطلحات التمويل الأصغر
Microfinance Network of the Arab Countries | http://arabic.microfinancegateway.o...
A comprehensive glossary of microfinance terms (English - Arabic).
Around 20,000 terms re. hardware, multimedia, Internet, programming, network, Windows,...
Communications Lexicon
Nokia Siemens Networks |
Explanations to over 6,000 terms of the IT sector. Also includes a list of abbreviations with the most commonly used short forms in IT environments.
Maritime Dictionary
MILink Network |
Maritime Dictionary with both lists and search engine. Monolingual English/English. Website also has link to: Maritime Acronyms Conversion Tables Mariner's Formulae Voltage & Cycle Sea Ports Finder
Glossary of Shipping and Transport Terms
Certified Transportation Network |
Monolingual English/English glossary of shipping terms.
A nice glossary of computer terms with description in Russian.
Kompendier i Skåne |
Various IT, computer hardware and software terms, as well as fringe subjects like digital photography and video.
Λεξικό τεχνολογίας
Phaistos Networks S.A. |
Mostly IT-related terms
Glossary of Acronyms of TCP/IP protocols
A.B.Forouzan, McGraw-Hill Companies copyright |
Glossario di acronimi con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli TCP/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Glossary of acronyms with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The TCP/IP protocols" by B.A... View more
Networking security and encryption
B. Forouzan, The McGrawHill Companies copyright |
Vasto glossario con terminologia inglese/italiano e definizioni in italiano estratto dal volume "I protocolli IPC/IP" di B.A. Forouzan, professore presso il De Anza College, California. Extensive glossary with English/Italian terminology and Italian definitions, as found in the Italian edition of the manual "The IPC/IP protocols" by B.A. Forouz... View more
glossary of legal terms (USA Law)
courtroom television network |
Glossary of Legal Terms
FOLDOC is a searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products, history, in fact anything to do with computing.
The dictionary has been growing since 1985 under the... View more
Internet Users' Glossary
Network Working Group |
This document is the work of the User Glossary Working Group of the User Services Area of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Ce glossaire vous permettra de découvrir la définition des termes les plus couramment rencontrés dans l'univers du magazine MESURES.
Sanabel Accounting Glossary
Microfinance Network of the Arab Countries | http://arabic.microfinancegateway.o...
Real Estate Glossary
SellSMART REALTY NETWORK / a la mode, inc. |
Fairly comprehensive glossary of real estate terminology (American English).
Comprehensive glossary of networking, telecom and computer-related terms.
GEMET Thesaurus
European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) |
Thematic glossary in most European languages & Russian - many fields: administration; legislation; agriculture ; materials; air; military aspects; animal husbandry; natural areas; landscape; ecosystems; biology; natural dynamics; building; noise, vibrations; chemistry; physics; climate; pollution; disasters, accidents, risk; radiations; economic... View more
Extensive glossary of SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption and security terms.
Computer And IT Dictionary for Persian v4.01
Mostafa Ghanatabady |
Free, perfect computer Dictionary for persian with pictures & links. For use with (windows(98,2000,me,xp), internet (International domain), mcse, hardware, programming, vb, office, autocad, flash, photoshop, corel, norton, yahoo!, msn,...
Computer, Telephony & Electronics
CSG, Computer Support Group, Inc. and CSGNetwork.Com |
A good English glossary on computer, telephoney and electronics terminology and abbreviations.