Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-24 of 24 results
Glossary for the body of knowledge on the regulation of utility infrastructure and services
Sanford V. Berg, Farid Gasmi, and José I. Távara | http://regulationbodyofknowledge.or...
The glossary includes terms in Chinese, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Russian, Arabic, and Bulgarian languages.
Wielki słownik angielsko-polski, polsko-angielski PWN - Oxford
Oxford University Press |
- 1 000 000 znaczeń, zwrotów, fraz, idiomów - specjalistyczne terminy z ponad 100 dziedzin - brytyjska i amerykańska wymowa haseł, nagrania audio Najlepszy słownik w Polsce - Nowoczesny - słownik nowej generacji dla każdego - Profesjonalny i wiarygodny - opracowany przez fachowy zespół - Uniwersalny - zawiera słownictwo ogólne, terminy specja... View more
Construction glossary EN-HU
Félegyházi András magyar-angol fordító és tolmács |
useful glossary of English-Hungarian construction and technical terms
Oxford Dictionaries
© 2014 Oxford University Press |
Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
CoOL / Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington |
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology by CoOL (Conservation Online). It uses WAIS indexing to provide a 'Word' index. That is, every word in the dictionary, both terms and definitions, are indexed. Contains color plates and drawings by Margaret R. Brown.
A Dictionary of Voodoo Terms
Hartford Web Publishing / Bob Corbett |
Basic terminology of the traditional religion of Vodun (Voodoo) in Haiti
Linguistic terms
David Tuggy T. , Albert Bickford |
Linguistic terms Spanish-English glossary
Glossary of terms used in Islamic Medical Manuscripts
Emilie Savage-Smith, Senior Research Associate, The Oriental Institute, University of Oxford |
The meaning of historical terms relating to medieval medicine and book making. The Arabic is transliterated in Latin letters
suplement do słownika PWN-Oxford
Radek Więckowski |
dla wielu nieusatysfakcjonowanych slownikiem PWN-Oxford pomoca moze byc suplement do slownika PWN-Oxford. Drugi link do innego suplementu:
Glossary of Chemical Safety Terms
The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, England |
This glossary is a good source of general information about the potential hazards of chemicals and safety measurements in the work place.
Dictionary of automotive terms
John Barach Sr. |
Il dizionario Oxford-Paravia Concise online presenta, come la versione in volume, oltre 75.000 voci (più di 45.000 inglesi e circa 31.000 italiane), ampiamente articolate nelle diverse accezioni, ricche di esempi, frasi idiomatiche, compounds e phrasal verbs. È basato, come l'Oxford-Paravia maggiore da cui deriva, su materiale lessicografico e fra... View more
dizionario it ingl e viceversa, per cercare bisogna registrarsi
Detailed definitions of medical terms in Russian, headwords in English.
The glossary on this page serves as a quick reference to almost all of the Japanese terms used in the Club. Japanese - English
English-English glossary by Ford on cars and related terms
Es un glosario monolingüe español muy completo de Ford. Puede consultarse por letras y copiarse. Existe otra versión monolingüe en inglés (
German Law Archive
University of Oxford |
This site may well be known to many; I find it amazingly helpful and comprehensive.
Glosario en español de términos de la industria automotriz empleados por Ford. Ford también publica un glosario en inglés, aunque no está estructurado en forma bilingüe.
An extensive English only glossary of Ford automotive terminology. Ford also has a similar glossary in Spanish, though unfortunately it is not linked to be bilingual.
A good reference for chemical and chemistry related terms and phrases.