Traducători şi interpreţi German » General fields

Traducători de German Tehnică/Inginerie (0)
Traducători de German Artă/Literatură (0)
Traducători de German Medical (0)
Traducători de German Legislaţie/Brevete (0)
Traducători de German Ştiinţă (0)
Traducători de German Afaceri/Financiar (0)
Traducători de German Marketing (0)
Traducători de German Altele (0)
Traducători de German Ştiinţe Sociale (0)

Traducători şi interpreţi German » Specific fields

Traducători German: Contabilitate
Traducători German: Publicitate/Relaţii cu publicul
Traducători German: Industria aerospaţială/Aviaţie/Spaţiu
Traducători German: Agricultură
Traducători German: Zootehnie/Creşterea animalelor
Traducători German: Antropologie
Traducători German: Arheologie
Traducători German: Arhitectură
Traducători German: Artă, Arte şi meşteşuguri, Pictură
Traducători German: Astronomie şi spaţiu
Traducători German: Finanţe (general) (370)
Traducători German: Automatică şi robotică
Traducători German: Automobile/Maşini şi camioane
Traducători German: Biologie (-tehnică,-chimie,micro-)
Traducători German: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
Traducători German: Botanică (142)
Traducători German: Construcţii/Inginerie civilă
Traducători German: Afaceri/Comerţ (general)
Traducători German: Materiale (Mase plastice, ceramice etc.)
Traducători German: Certificate, Diplome, Licenţe, CV-uri
Traducători German: Chimie; Ştiinţă/inginerie chimică (168)
Traducători German: Poezie şi literatură
Traducători German: Cinema, Film, TV, Teatru
Traducători German: Textile/Îmbrăcăminte/Modă
Traducători German: Telecom(unicaţii)
Traducători German: Computere (general)
Traducători German: Computere: Hardware
Traducători German: Computere: Software
Traducători German: Computere: Sisteme, Reţele
Traducători German: Juridic: Contract(e)
Traducători German: Bucătărie/Artă culinară (646)
Traducători German: Cosmetice, Frumuseţe
Traducători German: Medical: Stomatologie
Traducători German: Media/Multimedia
Traducători German: Economie
Traducători German: Educaţie/Pedagogie
Traducători German: Electronică/Inginerie electronică (271)
Traducători German: Energie/Generatoare
Traducători German: Inginerie (general)
Traducători German: Inginerie: Industrială
Traducători German: Mecanică/Inginerie mecanică (219)
Traducători German: Inginerie/ştiinţă nucleară
Traducători German: Mediu şi ecologie
Traducători German: Practici ezoterice
Traducători German: Piscicultură
Traducători German: Folclor
Traducători German: Alimente şi lactate
Traducători German: Silvicultură/Lemn/Cherestea
Traducători German: Mobilă/Aparate electrocasnice (405)
Traducători German: Jocuri/Jocuri video/Jocuri de noroc/Cazino (409)
Traducători German: Minerit şi minerale/Pietre prețioase
Traducători German: Genealogie
Traducători German: General/Conversaţie/Salutări/Scrisori
Traducători German: Genetică (68)
Traducători German: Geografie (171)
Traducători German: Geologie
Traducători German: Guvern/Politică
Traducători German: Fotografie/Imagini (şi arte grafice)
Traducători German: Medical: Asistenţă medicală
Traducători German: Istorie
Traducători German: Turism şi călătorii
Traducători German: Resurse umane
Traducători German: Expresii idiomatice/Maxime/Proverbe
Traducători German: Asigurări
Traducători German: Organizaţii/dezvoltare/cooperare internaţională (294)
Traducători German: Internet, Comerţ electronic (815)
Traducători German: Investiţii/Titluri de valoare (135)
Traducători German: Metalurgie/Turnătorie
Traducători German: IT (Tehnologia informaţiei)
Traducători German: Jurnalism (393)
Traducători German: Imobiliare
Traducători German: Juridic (general)
Traducători German: Juridic: Brevete, Mărci înregistrate, Drepturi de autor
Traducători German: Juridic: Impozite şi taxe vamale
Traducători German: Lingvistică
Traducători German: Transport/Transporturi/Expediţii
Traducători German: Management (402)
Traducători German: Producţie
Traducători German: Nave, Navigaţie, Maritim
Traducători German: Marketing/Cercetare de piaţă
Traducători German: Matematică şi statistică
Traducători German: Medical (general)
Traducători German: Medical: Cardiologie
Traducători German: Medical: Instrumente
Traducători German: Medical: Oncology
Traducători German: Medical: Farmaceutice
Traducători German: Meteorologie
Traducători German: Metrologie
Traducători German: Militar/Apărare
Traducători German: Muzică
Traducători German: Nume (personal, companie)
Traducători German: Nutriţie (332)
Traducători German: Inginerie/ştiinţă petrolieră
Traducători German: Altul
Traducători German: Hârtie/Fabricarea hârtiei
Traducători German: Brevete de invenții
Traducători German: Filozofie
Traducători German: Fizică
Traducători German: Tipărire şi editare
Traducători German: Psihologie
Traducători German: Religie
Traducători German: Comerţ cu amănuntul
Traducători German: Siguranță
Traducători German: SAP
Traducători German: Ştiinţă (general)
Traducători German: Argou
Traducători German: Ştiinţe sociale, Sociologie, Etică etc.
Traducători German: Sport/Fitness/Recreere (405)
Traducători German: Topografie
Traducători German: Vinuri/Oenologie/Viticultură
Traducători German: Zoologie

German translators and interpreters

Despre coloana Calitate de membru Member Profile Keywords Native Language
KudoZ Points
(in pair)
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Identity Verified   Klaus Herrmann
  Best TCO in Technical Translations
measurement and control, PLC, controller, meter, logger, process control, SCADA, engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, printing, offset, DTP, paper, dryer, fonts, automotive, car, diesel, drive train, engine, electronic control, ECM ... German
454 points
Identity Verified   Edith Kelly
  Professional conference interpreter
Depositions and arbitrations, Banking (ECB), Medicine, Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals, Automotive, Technical, Patents (EPO), Machinery, Beverage technology, Brewing, Certification, I also enjoy new translators reviews. View my website for references and extract of client list. ... German/English
354 points
  Milan Nešpor
  ADEKVAT Tschechisch/Slowakisch/Deutsch
Übersetzung, übersetzen, Übersetzer, tschechisch, slowakisch, deutsch, Dolmetscher, dolmetschen, Hannover, Korrekturlesen, Korrektur lesen, Korrektorat, Lektorat, nemcina, nemecky, prekladatel, preklad, nĕmčina, nemčina, Muttersprachler, Milan Nespor, Nešpor ... Slovak
320 points
Identity Verified   Jerzy Czopik
  CAT's at their best!
technik, wirtschaft, handbücher, technical, engineering, manuals, business, technika, gospodarka, instrukcje, dokumentacja ... Polish/German
255 points
Identity Verified   Stefanie Sendelbach
  IT and marketing translations
native German translator, German mother tongue, German translator, German translation, German translations, english German translator, chinese German translator, translations from english to German, translations from chinese to German, translation from english to German, translation from chinese to German, technical translation, technical translations, subtitle translation, subtitles translation, subtitles translations, subtitle translations, subtitle, subtitles, website translation, website translations, automotive translation, automotive translations, china, chinese, english, German, technical, architecture, tourism, website, websites, Germany, travel, transport, transport technology, chinesisch übersetzerin, englisch übersetzerin, chinesische übersetzung, chinesische übersetzungen, englische übersetzung, englische übersetzungen, deutsche übersetzung, deutsche übersetzungen, übersetzer, übersetzerin, chinesisch, deutsch, englisch, tourismus, reise, deutschland, webseite, webseiten, technik, untertitelung, reisen, architektur ... German
230 points
Identity Verified   Steffen Walter
  Top-Notch Service | Direct Clients Only
English, German, French, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, anglais, allemand, français, translator, Übersetzer, traducteur, interprète, interpreter, Dolmetscher, translation, translating, traduction, Übersetzungen, Übersetzen, interpretation, simultanée, interprétariat, interpreting, Dolmetschen, Simultandolmetschen, Simultandolmetscher, Konsekutivdolmetschen, Konsekutivdolmetscher, Konferenzdolmetschen, Konferenzdolmetscher, conference interpreter, simultaneous, consecutive, simultan, konsekutiv, architecture, construction, civil, structural, engineering, Architektur, Bauwesen, Hochbau, Tiefbau, building materials, Baustoffe, aggregates, Zuschlagstoffe, cardiology, cardiac, heart surgery, Kardiologie, Herzchirurgie, medical, Medizin, pharma, legal, Recht, contracts, Verträge, business, Wirtschaft, finance, Finanzen, annual reports, Geschäftsberichte, financial statements, reporting, Jahresabschluss, Jahresabschlüsse, accounting, balance sheet, bilan, Bilanzierung, Bilanzen, Rechnungsleg ... German
206 points
Identity Verified   Susanne Rosenberg
  Expert in Transcreation, SEO Translation
Übersetzung, Übersetzungen, Übersetzer, Übersetzerin, Fachübersetzungen, oversætter, oversættere, oversættelse, oversættelser, dänisch, dänische, deutsch, deutsche, tysk, tyske, dansk, danske, Wirtschaft, Marketing, PR, Handel, Recht, Verträge, Technik, Maschinenbau, IT, Homepages, Websites, økonomi, jura, kontakter, teknik, hjemmesider, economi, business, finance, law, contracts, technical, machinery, ... Danish/German
96 points
Identity Verified   Ingo Dierkschnieder
  Technical and medical translations
chemistry, chemie, chemique, computer, ordinateur, electronics, elektronik, electronique, patents, patent, brevet, communications, telekommunikation, telecommunications, engineering, technik, technique, plastics, kunststoff, plastique, IT, pharmaceutics, pharmazeutik, pharmaceutique, biology, biologie, genetics, genetik, genetique, machinery, maschinenbau, mechanique, machine, device, gerät, software, logiciel, hardware, materiel, manual, handbuch, manuel, marketing, medizin, medicine, medecine ... German
Regatul Unit
78 points
Identity Verified   Jarema
  Mit Geist, Verstand und Seele dabei.
Wirtschaft, Recht, Wissenschaft, Technik, Medizin. ... Russian/Ukrainian
73 points
Identity Verified   Sabine Reichert
  Legal translations since 1991
law, contracts, real estate, business, properties, administration, translation, Spanish-German translation, Spanish to German translation, Spanish into German translations, legal translations, press releases, traducción, traducciones jurídicas, alemán, español, spanisch, deutsch, del alemán al español, Vertragsübersetzungen, juristische Übersetzungen, Spanien Immobilien, Mallorca Immobilien, Immobilien Mallorca, Immobilien Menorca, Gran Canaria Immobilien, Immobilien Gran Canaria, La Palma Immobilien, Immobilien La Palma, Immobilien Denia, Immobilien Costa Blanca, Immobilien Costa del Azahar, Immobilien Costa Blanca, Hierro Immobilien, Costa Blanca Immobilien, Costa Brava Immobilien, Costa del Azahar Immobilien, Übersetzungen, contratos, Verträge, inmuebles, ley inmobiliaria, ley del suelo, Immobilien, contrato de compraventa, Kaufverträge, traducciones al alemán, traducciones español-alemán, traducciones del español al alemán, Übersetzungen spanisch-deutsch, Übersetzungen ins Deutsche ... German
51 points
Identity Verified   Olaf Reibedanz
  Finance / Trading / Blockchain / Crypto
annual report, annual reports, banking, bitcoin, blockchain, business translations, business translator, candlestick charts, candlesticks, chart analysis, contract, contracts, corporate finance, corporate governance, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency expert, cryptocurrency specialist, cryptocurrencies, crypto currency, crypto currencies, Deja Vu, derivative, derivatives, derivatives documentation, derivatives trading, economics, editing, editing and proofreading, editor, editor and proofreader, financial markets, financial statements, fund prospectuses, futures, futures and options, investment fund, investment funds, investment fund prospectus, investment fund prospectuses, German proofreader, German translator, investor relations, legal contracts, logistics, M&A, mergers and acquisitions, Management, Management theory, market research, marketing, marketing expert, marketing specialist, marketing texts, Marktbericht, Marktberichte, Optionen, options, options and futures, Optionsscheine, p ... German
40 points
Identity Verified   Dr. Johanna Schmitt
  Medicine & Science: translations+writing
translator, translation, Medical Translator, English German, translate, Medicine, Biology, medicinal, medical, biological, Microbiology, Vaccination, vaccine, test, kit, diagnostics, Respiratory Tract, Infection, clinical trial, clinical trials, pharmaceutical trial, pharmaceutical trials, emea, Emea, EMEA, labelling, SPC, SmPC, Summary of Product Characteristics, PIL, Package leaflet, Patient Information, Informed Consent, ICF, In vitro diagnostics, product information, übersetzen, Übersetzer, Übersetzung, Medizinübersetzer, Englisch Deutsch, Fachübersetzung, Fachübersetzer, Medizin, Biologie, Pharmazie, medizinisch, biologisch, pharmazeutisch, Mikrobiologie, Impfen, Impfung, Impfstoff, Test, Diagnostika, Kit, Virentest, Atemwege, Infektion, klinische Studie, klinische Studien, Etikettierung, Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels, Packungsbeilage, Patienteninformation, Gebrauchsinformation, Fachinformation, Aufklärungsbogen, Einverständniserklärung, Texte, Autor, Wissenschaft ... German
39 points
  Peter Gennet
  The Concept Behind the Words
branding, marketing, brand, economy, business, literature, sociology, social, sciences, arts, communication, call centre, call center, pc, html, flash, children's books, novel, poetry ... German
38 points
Identity Verified   Annette Scheler
  High-end Legal & Financial Translations
stock markets, financial markets, business, finance, market commentary, market reports, market reviews, fund manager reports, technical analysis, letters to shareholders/bondholders/fund investors, key investor information, investor relations, fund presentations, mutual fund brochures, stocks, securities, bonds, derivatives, futures, options, blockchain, crypto currencies, crypto assets, fintech, multi-asset, alternative investments, press releases, ad-hoc releases, business correspondence, minutes, proxy voting, accounting, annual reports, quarterly reports, Management reports, banking, monetary policy, memorandum and articles of association, certificate of incorporation, certificate of good standing, risk factors, franchising agreement, service agreement, commercial area lease agreement, loan agreement, share purchase and transfer agreement, credit facility agreement, servicing agreement, stock option agreement, equity incentive plan, license agreement, distribution agreement, declar ... German
31 points
Identity Verified   DDM
ÜBERSETZER, TRANSLATOR, ÜBERSETZUNGEN, TRANSLATION SERVICES, CONTRACTS, VERTRÄGE, distributorship agreement, purchase agreement, terms and conditions, contract on services, contract of sale, sole distributorship contract, by-laws, international assignment contract; Vertriebsvertrag, Kaufvereinbarung, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, AGBs, Dienstleistungsvertrag, Kaufvertrag, Alleinvertriebsvertrag, Vereinssatzung, Arbeitsvertrag; LEGAL, COMMERCIAL, FINANCIAL, MARKETING AND TECHNICAL TRANSLATIONS, TELECOMMUNICATION, BUSINESS & BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, PATENTS, PATENT CLAIMS, TOURISM & TRAVEL, E-LEARNING, TEXTBOOKS, REPORTS, RESUMES, CERTIFICATIONS, ARCHITECTURE, REAL ESTATE, TECHNOLOGY, GASTRONOMY, AGRICULTURE, WEBSITES, JOURNALISM, LITERATURE, Rechtstexte, Wirtschaftstexte, wissenschaftliche Texte, journalistische Texte, Marketing-Texte, touristische Texte, Lehrtexte, gastronomische Texte, Patente, Patentansprüche, Immobilien; ENGLISH, German, ENGLI ... German
24 points
Identity Verified   Bettina Thiel
  25 years exp. in technical translation
patents, patent ligitations, telecom, glass, plastics, energy, chemistry, SAP, information technology, quality Management, railway, hardware, automobile, environment, building, law, european affairs, aviation, accounting ... German
22 points
  Wenke Geddert
  Tourism/Travel, Marketing, Business
translator, translation, transcreation, localization, MT post editing, MTPE, post editing, English, German, German language services, arts, humanities, marketing, tourism, travel, hotels, tours, travel, staatlich geprüfte übersetzerin, pgce, lincoln, lincolnshire, england, great britain, Germany, freelance, freelancer, sole trader, freiberufler, freiberuflicher übersetzer, freiberufliche übersetzerin, freiberufliche, übersetzerin, übersetzen, englisch, deutsch, kunst, geisteswissenschaften, marketing, tourismus, fremdenverkehr, reisen, hotels, tours, führungen, staatlich geprüfte übersetzerin, pgce, lincoln, lincolnshire, england, großbritannien, deutschland ... German
Regatul Unit
16 points
Identity Verified   David Seycek
  engineering, marketing + word power
German, czech, engineering, marketing, technology, ecommerce ... German/Czech
16 points
Identity Verified   Sabine Nay
  Experienced German Localizer
lokalisierung, localization, localisation, software, hardware, logiciel, matériel, marketing, telekommunikation, drucktechnik, printing, publishing, trados, catalyst, idiom, IT, information, it market research, it marktforschung, human resources, HR, technology, Informationstechnologie, tourism, Frankfurt, SAP, public sector, secteur public, öffentlicher sektor, öffentliche aufträge, öffentlicher auftrag, marché public, marchés publics, public contracts, public contract, web site, web sites, website, documentation, dokumentation, gui, user interface, user interfaces, benutzeroberfläche, benutzeroberflächen, interface utilisateur, interfaces utilisateurs, user guide, user's guide, user guides, Benutzerhandbuch, Benutzerhandbücher, guide utilisateur, guides utilisateur, begleitdokumentation, onlinehilfe, online-hilfe, online help, aide en-ligne, websites, site web, sites web, freelance, free-lance, freiberufler, freiberuflich, translations, traductions, übersetzungen, translator, traduct ... German
14 points
Identity Verified   Caro Maucher
  Translation done right.
Audio, Video, Advertising, Marketing, Websites, Subtitling, Subtitles, Dubbing, Tourism, Medical, Medical instruments, Music, Literature, Graphics ... German
12 points
Identity Verified   Teresa Reinhardt
  Known for top notch work, on time
German, English, Deutsch, Englisch, automation, robotics, Roboter, patent, Maschine, machine, Motor, engine, Hydraulik, hydraulics, Archaeologie, Archäologie, archeology, archaeology, Architektur, architecture, art, looted art, restitution, Kunst, Beutekunst, Raubkunst, Kunstgeschichte, art history, Fabrik, Produktion, factory, manufacturing, Verpackung, packaging, Druck, printing, molding, marketing, Baumaschinen, Maschinenbau, mechanical enginering, Motorrad, Motorräder, motorcycle, Fahrrad, Fahrräder, cycling, bicycle, pedelec, Landwirtschaft, agriculture, Untertagebau, Bergwerk, Straßenbau, civil engineering, Stadtplanung, Städtebau, urban planning, resilience, climate, Renovierung, Restaurierung, Garten, Gärten, Gärtnerei, gardening, landscaping, Pflanzen, Baum, Bäume, Strauch, Sträucher, tree, perennial, organic, permaculture, biodynamic, Blumen, Landschaftsbau, Landschaftspflege, Pumpen, Elektrik, Motor, engine, drive, Antrieb, Getriebe, gear, Maschinen, Werkzeug, Werkzeugmaschi ... German/English
Statele Unite
12 points
Identity Verified   heikeb
  Hardware/Software/Website Localization
English, German, translator, translations, Ph.D., humanities, art, music, computer, localization, localisation, IT, html, dtp, technical, engineering, business, tourism, linguistics, marketing, medical devices, pc, mac, trados, cat, computer, graphics, 3D, animation, photography, digital, programming languages, MT, experienced ... German
12 points
Identity Verified   Harald Moelzer (medical-translator)
  medical-translator ...the right words!
pharmaceutical, Pharmazie, Summary of product characteristics, SPC, ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER MERKMALE DES ARZNEIMITTELS, Etikettierung, labeling, Packungsbeilage, Fachinformation, prescribing information, package leaflet, Gebrauchsinformation, Beipackzettel Übersetzung, Patientenbroschüren, medical brochure, medical brochures, Pharmazie, pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutics translation, Pharmazeutika, Pharmazeutika Übersetzung, pharma translation, pharma translator, Pharma, healthcare translation, healthcare, product catalogue, company brochure, instructions for use, IFU, scientific studies, medical device, medical devices, medical device translation, medical devices translation, medical devices Manuals, anaesthesia, intensive care, airway Management, respiratory care, intubation, tracheostomy, non invasive ventilation, laryngeal mask, emergency airway, ventilation, ventilators, gases, anaesthetics, gas conditioning, heating & moisturing, filtration, breathing circuits, pain Management, e ... German
12 points
Identity Verified   Sonja Stankowski
history, deutsch-polnische beziehungen, polnisch-deutsch konsekutiv, polnisch-deutsch simultan, polnisch-deutsch, Niederschlesien, Schlesien, Dolny Slask, Lower Silesia, Tourismus, Familienforschung, Polen, tłumaczenia polsko-niemieckie, tłumaczenia z niemieckiego, tłumaczenia na niemiecki, tłumaczenie ustne z niemieckiego, korespondencja handlowa po niemiecku, kontakt z Niemcami, Geschäftskontakte nach Polen, Übersetzungen Polnisch, Dolmetschen Polnisch, Reisen nach Polen, niemiecki, Swidnica, Schweidnitz, Polnisch-Dolmetschen, Polnisch-Übersetzen, Handelskorrespondenz Polen, Firmenkontakt Polen, Wroclaw, Breslau, Finanzen, Steuerrecht, Steuererklärungen, PIT, CIT, VAT, Muttersprachler Wroclaw, niemiecki native-speaker; Dolmetscher Chemnitz; Übersetzer Chemnitz; Polen Standesamt; Polen Eheschließung; Polen Geburtseintrag; Polen Notar; Sachsen, beglaubigte Übersetzungen; Sachsen - öffentlich bestellt und allgemein beeidigt; Sachsen - Gerichte, Justiz ... German
12 points
Identity Verified   Silvia Pellacani
  AVT Law Marketing History DE/EN/ES>IT
Italiano, Deutsch, English, Español, inclusive language, HTML, SEO, social media, ebook, SDL Trados, memoQ, Wordfast Anywhere, EZTitles, Ooona, Subtitle Edit, traduttore, Übersetzer, translator, traductor, sottotitolista, Untertitler, Subtitler, Subtitulador, SDH, traduzione tecnica, technische Übersetzung, technical translation, traducción técnica, traduzione marketing, Marketing-Übersetzung, marketing translation, traducción de marketing, traduzione per ragazzi, Kinderliteratur-Übersetzung, translation for children, traducción para niños, traduttore DE>IT, traduttore EN>IT, traduttore ES>IT, Deutsch nach Italienisch Übersetzer, Englisch nach Italienisch Übersetzer, Spanisch nach Italienisch Übersetzer, German into Italian Translator, English into Italian Translator, Spanish into Italian Translator, diritto, Recht, law, derecho, diritto penale, Strafrecht, Criminal law, derecho penal, Codice Civile italiano, Italienisches Zivilgesetzbuch, Italian Civil Code, Código Civil italiano, con ... Italian
12 points
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