RE: Mentor/Co-translator sought

Hirdetés részletei
Keres - Egyéb - United Kingdom
Honnan: RachelG
Meghirdetve:Jul 16, 2008
Hely: United Kingdom
Leírás:Hi, I am English based in England and just starting out as a translator. I will be translating from German to English. I have a degree in Spanish and German and have just passed the first year of a diploma in translation. I see on that a pair of translators have got together (they contribute different but compatible skills - their agency is called 'Black and 'White' I think)and I thought it would be a great idea if there was a native German speaker out there who wanted to get together with me to do the same! We could check each others translations and learn the business (and any specialisms) together. I am female and don't mind if you are a male/female German speaker. If anyone thinks this might be a good idea where we could mutually benefit, get in contact with me! Alternatively if you are a German established translator and would be happy to mentor me (in return I could help with any source text (English language) queries etc), get in contact!
Kind regards.
Rachel G.

A kereslet megbeszélése ezzel a személlyel:RachelG
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