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Sep 25, 2012

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ProZ.com users -- in Columbia -- registered for the event (42)
Checked in
Ligia Gonzalez Contact directly
Fast, lean and accurate translations!
Native in spaniolă (Variant: Colombian) Native in spaniolă
Bio: Ligia Ruby González is a freelance technical translator and also a psychologist, with great experience in fields such as: medicine, psychology, packaging, sustainability, among others. With three published translations of self help physical books from English into Spa...
Message: Best wishes for all the attendees!
Óscar Delgado Gosálvez Contact directly
Legal Translations
Native in spaniolă (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in spaniolă
UNED, ESPECIALISTA UNIVERSITARIO EN TRADUCCION, OTHER-Especialista Universitario en Traducción Inglés-Español (UNED) (Nivel Maestría), ATIEC, 34 years of experience
Freddy Castañeda Contact directly
Faithful Translation
Native in spaniolă (Variants: Colombian, Latin American, US) Native in spaniolă
Bio: High talented and qualified freelance translator with marked experience in the translation of a wide variety of documents, issues and materials from English into Spanish and vice versa following established rules pertaining to factors such as word meanings, sentence str...
Message: Hi, willing to share key information
Checked in
Mauro Cabrera Contact directly
English, French to Spanish Translator
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
40 years of experience
Checked in
Juan Pablo Molina Ruiz Contact directly
Enthusiasm and commitment!
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
Universidad de Antioquia, MA-Universidad de Belgrano, 17 years of experience
Checked in
Monique Sarah Contact directly
Electronic & Telecom Engineer
Native in spaniolă (Variants: Colombian, Latin American) 
Alliance francaise en Colombie, GD-Engineer, 22 years of experience
Checked in
alevacca Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
Bio: I have been working in this field for more than 10 years first, working in the medical-dentistry area and then specialized in the oil and environmental field.
Checked in
Luis Vanegas Marín Contact directly
Native in spaniolă (Variant: Colombian) 
Bio: Professional translator, English to Spanish; Certified by CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) Oxford ESOL: C1 (CEF)
Checked in
Maria Cordon Contact directly
20 años en traducción y corrección
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
GD-Universidad Industrial de Santander, 26 years of experience
Checked in
Tania Kerrigan Contact directly
ATA Certified Spanish to English
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă, engleză Native in engleză
American Translators Association, Ministry of Justice, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, ATA, 28 years of experience
Checked in
MANUEL 33 Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă, engleză Native in engleză
BA-LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, 27 years of experience
aftraducciones Contact directly
Native in spaniolă 
22 years of experience
Rene Caita Contact directly
Native in spaniolă 
37 years of experience
William Diaz Contact directly
Experience and reliability
Native in engleză (Variants: US, British) Native in engleză, spaniolă (Variants: Colombian, Latin American) Native in spaniolă
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Luis Fernando Rivera Martinez Contact directly
Transparency, Fidelity and Confidence
Native in spaniolă (Variant: Latin American) Native in spaniolă
Bio: As a 14-year-experience translator, besides an accredited professional having about 30 years transiting the paths of Marine Biology, Business Administration, Marketing & Sales, I can fulfill your needs for qualified translations, competitive prices & prompt delivery of ...
Message: Hello Dear Colleagues!

It's great having the opportunity to get in touch with you virtually. Hope this experience will work to the benefit of all of us.

Best regards,

Luis Fernando Rivera Martínez
Claudia Botero Contact directly
Native in spaniolă (Variants: Latin American, Colombian) Native in spaniolă
Bio: I am biologist but I am devoted to translation and have been doing so for 22 years now. I am Colombian and translate from English into Spanish.
Message: Hello, thank you for shearing with me
Nydia Bejarano Contact directly
Educator and English-Spanish Translator
Native in spaniolă (Variants: Colombian, Latin American) Native in spaniolă
MA-Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 18 years of experience
Juan Gaviria Contact directly
Specialized in environment and HR
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
Universidad de Antioquia - Colombia, BA-B.A., Fre>Eng>Spa translator -Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, 16 years of experience
pattygom Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
42 years of experience
tonchis Contact directly
Native in spaniolă 
Bio: Industrial Engineer; English learnt in the United States; German learnt in Germany; "lost in translation" since 2000; living in Cali, Colombia; 52 years old; two children, a girl (13 years old) and a boy (10 years old); traveled some European countries (England, Scotla...
Message: Great having the chance to meet you all !
crisocana Contact directly
Mio KATSUYAMA Contact directly
Native in japoneză (Variant: Standard-Japan) Native in japoneză
Bio: My experience as a translator is about 9 years.
I live in Colombia for 3 years and lived in England for 1 year and in France for 6 years in past. My other profession is Japanese teacher, therefore I translate the Japanese correct way and appropriate for the original ex...
Message: Hello, everyone. I'm japanese.My experience as a translator is about 9 years.I provide English, French and Spanish to / from Japanese. Nice to meet you!
Melissa Gaviria Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă, engleză Native in engleză
Bio: I am a freelance translator with broad experience translating from ENG>SPA and vice versa in a variety of fields including financial, technical, academic, medical and general. I was recently part of a large-scale project which involved translating a large cement company...
Message: Hi everyone! I am a freelance translator looking to make new contacts. I am eager to meet people and find work opportunities.
MANUEL DE LA FUENTE Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă, engleză Native in engleză
Bio: Translator for Ernst & Young Colombia and for Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Adriana Malagón Sánchez Contact directly
Helping you be in touch with the world
Native in spaniolă 
BA-Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 28 years of experience
Jaime Urrego Contact directly
Translator English-Spanish-Portuguese
Native in spaniolă 
Bio: I have lots experience translating from English to Spanish, Portuguese to Spanish.
Message: Hello to you all! I am glad to be able to register for this event and I am looking forward to the new opportunities at hand.
Gurcal (X) Contact directly
Bio: Teacher of English and Spanish for 13 years
Message: I am a translator
Esteban Lugo Perea Contact directly
Egresado de universidad norteamericana
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
Bio: Colombian Translator, Interpreter, English Teacher and Sports Journalist with experience several online projects such as SEO indexing for Colombia.Travel and Website Translation for eforcers.com. I have vast experience in Institute and High School Teaching, as well as s...
Message: Greetings. I hope I can be part of succesful, stable long-term projects and assume them in a part-time or full-time basis. I can do document, video and audio translations to and from Spanish as well as simultaneous translation. I am also learning Portuguese.
Mario Palacio Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
Message: Hi, everyone. Greetings from Colombia.
Adriana Molano Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
17 years of experience
mikibenitez Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
30 years of experience
Ingrid Ruiz Contact directly
English-Spanish (LATAM) translator
Native in spaniolă (Variant: Latin American) Native in spaniolă
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, BA-Universidad Javeriana, 10 years of experience
camilapedraza Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă, engleză Native in engleză
BA-Universidad de los Andes, 18 years of experience
Silvia Florez Contact directly
Professional and affordable translations
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
MA-Universitat Jaume I, Global Internet Translators Association, 24 years of experience
David Ramirez Contact directly
Native in spaniolă (Variant: Colombian) Native in spaniolă
BA-Universidad EAN, 16 years of experience
Bio: I'm an italian, french and english language student. I study at Universidad EAN. I'm from Bogotá DC, Colombia. English and American culture are on my top.
andrestranslato Contact directly
Biling Services Contact directly
Specialized, accurate, and timely
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă, engleză Native in engleză
New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, OTHER-NYU SPCS 3 year Certificate in Spanish to English Translation, ATA, ACTTI, 19 years of experience
Mariana Londono Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
31 years of experience
germancampo Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă
Bio: My name is German Andres Campo Sanchez, I am a freelance Translator (Spanish/English – English/Spanish) who held a BA in Modern Languages English-French from the University of Cauca, Popayan, Colombia. I have worked as a freelance translator, translating documents, de...
Message: Thank you for inviting me to ProZ.com's free virtual event and being able to interact with other collegues in the translation world.
asamper Contact directly
Native in spaniolă Native in spaniolă, engleză Native in engleză
45 years of experience