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30th translation contest: "Translators translating translators" » English to Arabic » Entry #34532

Source text in English

Translation #34532 — Winner

Space is the soil where writers converge, and seeds of words are sparse, for sprouts of a poem may emerge.

Space, uncontained for words to be written and memory spared.

A writer fills space with words,
their given meaning challenges the intellect
their catching sense pervades the self.

The muse is a reckless joker the luck to be blamed
for space is filled and erased by a writer with words that elate.

If this art entertains the reader, gracious, it is. If this art helps feed my hunger, sate be me.
If this art is never read, someone may find it hidden in the crevices of space, reverberating, splitting, and merging in the dot at the end.

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