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CAT Tool & Software Day

Oct 2, 2013's 2013 virtual event prize giveaway

Exhibit hall CASH prize draw September 30th - FOUR chances to win $250.00

  • Visit any three (3) of the following exhibit booths in the exhibit hallSDL Trados; memoQ; Wordfast; Fluency; Atril or WordFinder on September 30th, 2013

  • Locate the “staff” tab in those booths and write down one staff member from three different booths listed above into the form at

  • will randomly draw from correctly submitted prize forms, one (1) winner to receive a $250.00 USD American Express electronic gift card at each of the following times: 13:30 GMT; 16:00 GMT; 18:30 GMT and 20:30 GMT on September 30th, 2013. You don’t need to be present to win, just have completed the form and visited the booths. The sooner you enter the prize draw, the more chances you have to win as names will remain in prize draw for each of the 4 draws

Additional Prize Draws

Visit any exhibitor in the the exhibit hall during the week long series of events September 30th through October 4th and you will be automatically entered in to the additional prize draws

  • First prize is a membership, training and software package valued at over $1,000. Winner will receive three years of membership; Free license of CAT Tool/software of their choosing (Freelance version only), plus $100 in training credits that can be used for any courses at

  • Second place is a license for the CAT tool of your choice (Freelance version only)

  • Third place is a two-year membership

That's it! Easy, right? Winners will be announced October 7th, 2013

Visit the exhibit hall and chat with our sponsors and participate in prize giveaways.

Additional exhibitor prizes

The following exhibitors will be conducting giveaways – simply visit their booths to be entered in to their prize draws. Exhibit booth prize winners to be announced October 7th, 2013

  • SDL Trados to giveaway three (3) copies of SDL Trados Studio 2014 freelance; Enter the prize draw by simply entering the SDL booth

  • Kilgray to giveaway one (1) license of memoQ 2013; enter the prize draw by simply entering the memoQ booth

  • Fluency to giveaway three (3) licenses of Fluency Translation Suite. Enter the prize draw by visiting the Fluency booth and downloading a free trial of Fluency. Prize winners will be selected from those that download the trial version during the virtual event week

  • WordFinder to giveaway one (1) 1-year subscription to WordFinder online (small). Enter the prize draw by simply entering the WordFinder booth

Visit the exhibit hall and chat with our sponsors and participate in prize giveaways.